This is a complete practical guide on how you can Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop using VNC viewer. This guide is fully informative and completely based on practical steps. Also, this is very important and you should not miss any points. So read every step carefully.



First thing first, get all the hardware ready for this including Pi, Cables, MMC, MMC adapter, etc. Then follow the steps.

Step1: Download and install the Raspberry Pi imager.

Step 2: Plug in the MMC through the adapter to your laptop

Run Raspberry Pi imager >> chose OS >> select as you need >> select storage device.

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop
Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop
Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

Then click on settings: Set WiFi, and enable SSH set user id and password.

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

Then write the boot file, wait for verification and let the imager to complete the job. After that, put the MMC to Pi and run the Pi. Let it be boot up and be ready.

Step 3: Download and Install VNC viewer on your desktop/laptop:

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

Step 4: Download and install Putty

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

Step 5: Get IP address of your Pi

You can find it on your router admin panel in DHCP >> CHCP Client list

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

Step 6: Run Putty, and configure it

In the host name space, put the IP address you got and then set Enable X11 forwarding

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

Open it. Then simply log in using the user ID and password you set while burning the mmc with imager. [see above, step 2].

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

After putting ID and password, you’ll get a response to put commands.

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

Step 7: Install VNC on the pi

Type “sudo apt-get install tightvncserver” and hit enter. The Pi will start downloading and installing the VNC.

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

After installation is complete, type “tightvncserver“, then set up the password. Be careful here as it will not show your password in the first line. So you must be careful about this.

After that, Pi will give you a desktop number. For my case, it gave 2 as I have already done it once.

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

Step 8: Run VNC and configure it:

Put the IP address:desktop number. [Example:] and hit enter…

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

You are done here. And yeah!!! you got it.

Connect to Raspberry Pi from your Laptop/Desktop

So what next?

You can read my other useful articles:


This article was written based on my practical knowledge. There are several other ways to connect a remote display with the Raspberry Pi. But this method was the most easier for me. I hope this article will help you a lot. Enjoy and see you in the next article.

For Professional Designs or Help:



Mithun K. Das; B. Sc. in EEE from KUET; Head of R&D @ M's Lab Engineering Solution. "This is my personal blog. I post articles on different subjects related to electronics in the easiest way so that everything becomes easy for all, especially for beginners. If you have any questions, feel free to ask through the contact us page." Thanks.


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