Let’s make an Universal Semiconductor and electronic component tester using Arduino. We use many electronic components in our projects and different products. Sometimes, you may need a simple electronic component tester that can help you testing some components for you. Here in this article, we will learn to make an Electronic Component Tester using Arduino, sorry, using Atmega328p MCU directly. But we’ll use Arduino IDE for programming. So let’s start!



About different components:

There are many types of electronic components available, still, some are on the way to invention. But there are some very basic components we use the most like resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors, etc. There is no such limitation of values for these category devices. With all, there is actually a vast number of different components. Sometimes it is very helpful if there is a testing device that can help to test some of these components for you.

So, let’s make an electronic device tester for ourselves.

Circuit diagram:

Electronics component tester using arduino circuit diagram
Circuit diagram of Electronic Component Tester

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Electronics component tester

Arduino Code:

Note: The original code was written by someone found in instructables.com and I just modified some parts and designed a PCB. The code is very long and was not written once. Day by day it is this far. So the credit goes to someone who wrote this at the first and them who modified it later. I also modified some. Maybe someone next will update more. #modification.

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#define BUTTON_INST                              //Button Installed
#define LCD_PRINT                                //Print on LCD
#define DET_COMP_ANALYSIS                        //Detailed Component Analysis (Soon)
#define TIMEOUT_BL            600                //LCD Backlight Timeout
#define LONG_PRESS            26                 //Button Long Press
#define USER_WAIT             3000               //Next page Timeout
#if not defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__)
#error Sorry, this program works only on Arduino Uno
#if defined(LCD_PRINT) && defined(DEBUG_PRINT)
#error Invalid Parameters: Use LCD_PRINT or DEBUG_PRINT
#if defined(DEBUG_PRINT) && defined(ATSW)
#error Invalid Parameters: Use DEBUG_PRINT or ATSW
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);           //RS,E,D4,D5,D6,D7
#define UINT32_MAX            ((uint32_t)-1)
#define ADC_PORT              PORTC              //ADC port data register 
#define ADC_DDR               DDRC               //ADC port data direction register 
#define ADC_PIN               PINC               //Port input pins register 
#define TP1                   0                  //Test pin 1 (=0) 
#define TP2                   1                  //Test pin 2 (=1) 
#define TP3                   2                  //Test pin 3 (=2) 
#define R_PORT                PORTB              //Port data register 
#define R_DDR                 DDRB               //Port data direction register
#define TEST_BUTTON           A3                 //Test/start push button (low active)
#define CYCLE_DELAY           3000
#define CYCLE_MAX             5
#define UREF_VCC              5001
#define UREF_OFFSET           1250
#define R_LOW                 680
#define R_HIGH                470000
#define RH_OFFSET             700
#define R_ZERO                20
#define CAP_WIRES             15
#define CAP_PROBELEADS        9
#define CAP_DISCHARGED        2
#define ADC_SAMPLES           25
#define R_MCU_LOW             209                //Default: 209
#define R_MCU_HIGH            235                //Default: 235
#define COMPARATOR_OFFSET     15
#define CAP_PCB               42
#define C_ZERO                CAP_PCB + CAP_WIRES + CAP_PROBELEADS
#define ADC_CLOCK_DIV         (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0)
#define CPU_FREQ              F_CPU
#define OSC_STARTUP           16384
#define COMP_NONE             0
#define COMP_ERROR            1
#define COMP_MENU             2
#define COMP_RESISTOR         10
#define COMP_CAPACITOR        11
#define COMP_INDUCTOR         12
#define COMP_DIODE            20
#define COMP_BJT              21
#define COMP_FET              22
#define COMP_IGBT             23
#define COMP_TRIAC            24
#define COMP_THYRISTOR        25
#define LCD_CHAR_UNSET        0                  //Just a place holder 
#define LCD_CHAR_DIODE1       1                  //Diode icon '>|' 
#define LCD_CHAR_DIODE2       2                  //Diode icon '|<' 
#define LCD_CHAR_CAP          3                  //Capacitor icon '||' 
#define LCD_CHAR_FLAG         4                  //Flag Icon
#define LCD_CHAR_RESIS1       6                  //Resistor left icon '[' 
#define LCD_CHAR_RESIS2       7                  //Resistor right icon ']'
#define LCD_CHAR_OMEGA      79
#define LCD_CHAR_MICRO      '\u00B5'           //Code for Arduino Serial Monitor
#define LCD_CHAR_OMEGA      244                //Default: 244 
#define LCD_CHAR_MICRO      228
#define TYPE_DISCHARGE        1                  //Discharge error
#define TYPE_N_CHANNEL        0b00000001         //n channel 
#define TYPE_P_CHANNEL        0b00000010         //p channel 
#define TYPE_ENHANCEMENT      0b00000100         //Enhancement mode 
#define TYPE_DEPLETION        0b00001000         //Depletion mode 
#define TYPE_MOSFET           0b00010000         //MOSFET 
#define TYPE_JFET             0b00100000         //JFET 
#define TYPE_IGBT             0b01000000         //IGBT (no FET) 
#define MODE_LOW_CURRENT      0b00000001         //Low test current 
#define MODE_HIGH_CURRENT     0b00000010         //High test current 
#define MODE_DELAYED_START    0b00000100         //Delayed start
#define TYPE_NPN              1                  //NPN
#define TYPE_PNP              2                  //PNP
#define MODE_CONTINOUS        0                  //Continous
#define MODE_AUTOHOLD         1                  //Auto hold 
#define TABLE_SMALL_CAP       1
#define TABLE_LARGE_CAP       2
#define TABLE_INDUCTOR        3
#define FLAG_PULLDOWN         0b00000000
#define FLAG_PULLUP           0b00000001
#define FLAG_1MS              0b00001000
#define FLAG_10MS             0b00010000
typedef struct
  byte                        TesterMode;        //Tester operation mode
  byte                        SleepMode;         //MCU sleep mode
  byte                        Samples;           //Number of ADC samples
  byte                        AutoScale;         //Flag to disable/enable ADC auto scaling
  byte                        RefFlag;           //Internal control flag for ADC
  unsigned int                U_Bandgap;         //Voltage of internal bandgap reference (mV)
  unsigned int                RiL;               //Internal pin resistance of A‚ÂlC in low mode (0.1 Ohms)
  unsigned int                RiH;               //Internal pin resistance of A‚ÂlC in high mode (0.1 Ohms)
  unsigned int                RZero;             //Resistance of probe leads (2 in series) (0.01 Ohms)
  byte                        CapZero;           //Capacity zero offset (input + leads) (pF)
  signed char                 RefOffset;         //Voltage offset of bandgap reference (mV)
  signed char                 CompOffset;        //Voltage offset of analog comparator (mV)
} Config_Type;
typedef struct
  byte                        Pin_1;             //Probe-1
  byte                        Pin_2;             //Probe-2
  byte                        Pin_3;             //Probe-3
  byte                        Rl_1;              //Rl mask for probe-1
  byte                        Rh_1;              //Rh mask for probe-1
  byte                        Rl_2;              //Rl mask for probe-2
  byte                        Rh_2;              //Rh mask for probe-2
  byte                        Rl_3;              //Rl mask for probe-3
  byte                        Rh_3;              //Rh mask for probe-3
  byte                        ADC_1;             //ADC mask for probe-1
  byte                        ADC_2;             //ADC mask for probe-2
} Probe_Type;
typedef struct
  byte                        Done;              //Flag for transistor detection done
  byte                        Found;             //Component type which was found
  byte                        Type;              //Component specific subtype
  byte                        Resistors;         //Number of resistors found
  byte                        Diodes;            //Number of diodes found
  byte                        Probe;             //Error: probe pin
  unsigned int                U;                 //Error: voltage left in mV
} Check_Type;
typedef struct
  byte                        A;                 //Probe pin #1
  byte                        B;                 //Probe pin #2
  byte                        Scale;             //Exponent of factor (value * 10^x)
  unsigned long               Value;             //Resistance
} Resistor_Type;
typedef struct
  byte                        A;                 //Probe pin #1
  byte                        B;                 //Probe pin #2
  signed char                 Scale;             //Exponent of factor (value * 10^x)
  unsigned long               Value;             //Capacitance incl. zero offset
  unsigned long               Raw;               //Capacitance excl. zero offset
} Capacitor_Type;
typedef struct
  signed char                 Scale;             //Exponent of factor (value * 10^x)
  unsigned long               Value;             //Inductance
} Inductor_Type;
typedef struct
  byte                        A;                 //Probe pin connected to anode
  byte                        C;                 //Probe pin connected to cathode
  unsigned int                V_f;               //Forward voltage in mV (high current)
  unsigned int                V_f2;              //Forward voltage in mV (low current)
} Diode_Type;
typedef struct
  byte                        B;                 //Probe pin connected to base
  byte                        C;                 //Probe pin connected to collector
  byte                        E;                 //Probe pin connected to emitter
  unsigned long               hFE;               //Current amplification factor
  unsigned int                I_CE0;             //Leakage current (in A‚ÂlA)
} BJT_Type;
typedef struct
  byte                        G;                 //Test pin connected to gate
  byte                        D;                 //Test pin connected to drain
  byte                        S;                 //Test pin connected to source
  unsigned int                V_th;              //Threshold voltage of gate in mV
} FET_Type;
typedef struct
} Error_Type;
char                          OutBuffer[12];
char                          PRGBuffer[32];
Config_Type                   Config;            //Tester modes, offsets and values
Probe_Type                    Probes;            //Test probes
Check_Type                    Check;             //Checking/testing
Resistor_Type                 Resistors[3];      //Resistors (3 combinations)
Capacitor_Type                Caps[3];           //Capacitors (3 combinations)
Diode_Type                    Diodes[6];         //Diodes (3 combinations in 2 directions)
BJT_Type                      BJT;               //Bipolar junction transistor
FET_Type                      FET;               //FET
Inductor_Type                 Inductor;          //Inductor
class __FlashStringHelper;
#define X(str) (strcpy_P(PRGBuffer, PSTR(str)), PRGBuffer)
const unsigned char Mode_str[] PROGMEM = "Mode:";
const unsigned char Continous_str[] PROGMEM = "Continous";
const unsigned char AutoHold_str[] PROGMEM = "Auto Hold";
const unsigned char Running_str[] PROGMEM = "Testing...";
const unsigned char Weak_str[] PROGMEM = "weak";
const unsigned char Low_str[] PROGMEM = "low";
const unsigned char Failed1_str[] PROGMEM = "  No Component";
const unsigned char Failed2_str[] PROGMEM = "     Found!";
const unsigned char Thyristor_str[] PROGMEM = "SCR";
const unsigned char Triac_str[] PROGMEM = "Triac";
const unsigned char GAK_str[] PROGMEM = "GAC=";
const unsigned char Done_str[] PROGMEM = "       OK";
const unsigned char Select_str[] PROGMEM = "Select";
const unsigned char Selftest_str[] PROGMEM = "Selftest";
const unsigned char Adjustment_str[] PROGMEM = "Adjustment";
const unsigned char Default_str[] PROGMEM = "Default Values";
const unsigned char Save_str[] PROGMEM = "Save";
const unsigned char Show_str[] PROGMEM = "Show Values";
const unsigned char Remove_str[] PROGMEM = "Remove";
const unsigned char Create_str[] PROGMEM = "Create";
const unsigned char ShortCircuit_str[] PROGMEM = "Short Circuit!";
const unsigned char DischargeFailed_str[] PROGMEM = "Battery?";
const unsigned char Error_str[] PROGMEM = "Error!";
const unsigned char Battery_str[] PROGMEM = "Bat.";
const unsigned char OK_str[] PROGMEM = "ok";
const unsigned char MOS_str[] PROGMEM = "MOS";
const unsigned char FET_str[] PROGMEM = "FET";
const unsigned char Channel_str[] PROGMEM = "-ch";
const unsigned char Enhancement_str[] PROGMEM = "enh.";
const unsigned char Depletion_str[] PROGMEM = "dep.";
const unsigned char IGBT_str[] PROGMEM = "IGBT";
const unsigned char GateCap_str[] PROGMEM = "Cgs=";
const unsigned char GDS_str[] PROGMEM = "GDS=";
const unsigned char GCE_str[] PROGMEM = "GCE=";
const unsigned char NPN_str[] PROGMEM = "NPN";
const unsigned char PNP_str[] PROGMEM = "PNP";
const unsigned char EBC_str[] PROGMEM = "EBC=";
const unsigned char hFE_str[] PROGMEM = "h_FE=";
const unsigned char V_BE_str[] PROGMEM = "V_BE=";
const unsigned char I_CEO_str[] PROGMEM = "I_CEO=";
const unsigned char Vf_str[] PROGMEM = "Vf=";
const unsigned char DiodeCap_str[] PROGMEM = "C=";
const unsigned char Vth_str[] PROGMEM = "Vth=";
const unsigned char I_R_str[] PROGMEM = "I_R=";
const unsigned char URef_str[] PROGMEM = "Vref";
const unsigned char RhLow_str[] PROGMEM = "Rh-";
const unsigned char RhHigh_str[] PROGMEM = "Rh+";
const unsigned char RiLow_str[] PROGMEM = "Ri-";
const unsigned char RiHigh_str[] PROGMEM = "Ri+";
const unsigned char Rl_str[] PROGMEM = "+Rl-";
const unsigned char Rh_str[] PROGMEM = "+Rh-";
const unsigned char ProbeComb_str[] PROGMEM = "12 13 23";
const unsigned char CapOffset_str[] PROGMEM = "C0";
const unsigned char ROffset_str[] PROGMEM = "R0";
const unsigned char CompOffset_str[] PROGMEM = "AComp";
const unsigned char PWM_str[] PROGMEM = "PWM";
const unsigned char Hertz_str[] PROGMEM = "Hz";
const unsigned char Title_str[] PROGMEM = "Component Tester";
const unsigned char Organigation_str[] PROGMEM = "      v1.0";
const unsigned char Cap_str[] PROGMEM = {'-', '|', '|', '-', 0};
const unsigned char Diode_AC_str[] PROGMEM = {'-', '>', '-', 0};
const unsigned char Diode_CA_str[] PROGMEM = {'-', '<', '-', 0};
const unsigned char Diodes_str[] PROGMEM = {'*', '>', ' ', ' ', 0};
const unsigned char Resistor_str[] PROGMEM = {'-', '[', ']', '-', 0};
const unsigned char Cap_str[] PROGMEM = {'-', LCD_CHAR_CAP, '-', 0};
const unsigned char Diode_AC_str[] PROGMEM = {'-', LCD_CHAR_DIODE1, '-', 0};
const unsigned char Diode_CA_str[] PROGMEM = {'-', LCD_CHAR_DIODE2, '-', 0};
const unsigned char Diodes_str[] PROGMEM = {'*', LCD_CHAR_DIODE1, ' ', ' ', 0};
const unsigned char Resistor_str[] PROGMEM = {'-', LCD_CHAR_RESIS1, LCD_CHAR_RESIS2, '-', 0};
byte DiodeIcon1[8]  = {0x11, 0x19, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x1d, 0x19, 0x11, 0x00};
byte DiodeIcon2[8]  = {0x11, 0x13, 0x17, 0x1f, 0x17, 0x13, 0x11, 0x00};
byte CapIcon[8]  = {0x1b, 0x1b, 0x1b, 0x1b, 0x1b, 0x1b, 0x1b, 0x00};
byte ResIcon1[8]  = {0x00, 0x0f, 0x08, 0x18, 0x08, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00};
byte ResIcon2[8]  = {0x00, 0x1e, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1e, 0x00, 0x00};
byte FlagIcon[8] = {0x1f, 0x11, 0x0e, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x1f, 0x00};
const unsigned char Prefix_table[]  = {'p', 'n', LCD_CHAR_MICRO, 'm', 0, 'k', 'M'};
const unsigned int PWM_Freq_table[]  = {100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 25000};
const unsigned int LargeCap_table[]  = {23022, 21195, 19629, 18272, 17084, 16036, 15104, 14271, 13520, 12841, 12224, 11660, 11143, 10668, 10229, 9822, 9445, 9093, 8765, 8458, 8170, 7900, 7645, 7405, 7178, 6963, 6760, 6567, 6384, 6209, 6043, 5885, 5733, 5589, 5450, 5318, 5191, 5069, 4952, 4839, 4731, 4627, 4526, 4430, 4336};
const unsigned int SmallCap_table[]  = {954, 903, 856, 814, 775, 740, 707, 676, 648};
const unsigned int Inductor_table[]  = {4481, 3923, 3476, 3110, 2804, 2544, 2321, 2128, 1958, 1807, 1673, 1552, 1443, 1343, 1252, 1169, 1091, 1020, 953, 890, 831, 775, 721, 670, 621, 574, 527, 481, 434, 386, 334, 271};
const unsigned char Rl_table[]  = {(1 << (TP1 * 2)), (1 << (TP2 * 2)), (1 << (TP3 * 2))};
const unsigned char ADC_table[]  = {(1 << TP1), (1 << TP2), (1 << TP3)};
byte SmallCap(Capacitor_Type *Cap);
byte LargeCap(Capacitor_Type *Cap);
byte MeasureInductor(Resistor_Type *Resistor);
void ShowDiode_Uf(Diode_Type *Diode);
void ShowDiode_C(Diode_Type *Diode);
byte                          RunsPassed;        //Counter for successful measurements
byte                          RunsMissed;        //Counter for failed/missed measurements
byte                          ErrFnd;            //An Error is occured


void setup()
  byte                        Test;              //Test value
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  lcd.createChar(LCD_CHAR_DIODE1, DiodeIcon1); //Diode symbol |<|
  lcd.createChar(LCD_CHAR_DIODE2, DiodeIcon2); //Diode symbol |<|
  lcd.createChar(LCD_CHAR_CAP, CapIcon);       //Capacitor symbol ||
  lcd.createChar(LCD_CHAR_RESIS1, ResIcon1);   //Resistor symbol [
  lcd.createChar(LCD_CHAR_RESIS2, ResIcon2);   //Resistor symbol ]
  lcd.createChar(LCD_CHAR_FLAG, FlagIcon);     //Flag symbol
#ifdef ATSW                                    //Client Begin
  Serial.begin(9600);                          //Serial Output
  ADCSRA = (1 << ADEN) | ADC_CLOCK_DIV;          //Enable ADC and set clock divider
  MCUSR &= ~(1 << WDRF);                         //Reset watchdog flag
  DIDR0 = 0b00110111;
  wdt_disable();                                 //Disable watchdog
  Config.Samples = ADC_SAMPLES;                  //Number of ADC samples
  Config.AutoScale = 1;                          //Enable ADC auto scaling
  Config.RefFlag = 1;                            //No ADC reference set yet
  RunsMissed = 0;
  RunsPassed = 0;
  Config.TesterMode = MODE_CONTINOUS;            //Set default mode: continous
  pinMode(TEST_BUTTON, INPUT_PULLUP);          //Initialize the pushbutton pin as an input
  LoadAdjust();                                  //Load adjustment values
  Serial.print(X("A  R  D  U  T  E  S  T  E  R "));
  lcd_fixed_string(Organization_str);               //Print Ardutester Version
  Serial.println(X("      By PighiXXX & PaoloP"));
  Serial.println(X("original version by Markus Reschke"));
  Serial.print(X("Press Button to Probe"));
  Serial.println(X(", long press enter Menu"));

void loop()
  byte Test;
  Test = TestKey(0, 0);                        //Wait user
  delay(3000);                                 //No button installed, Wait 3 seconds
  Test = 1;                                    //No button, no menu :-)
#ifdef WDT_enabled
  wdt_enable(WDTO_2S);                         //Enable watchdog (timeout 2s)
  Check.Found = COMP_NONE;
  Check.Type = 0;
  Check.Done = 0;
  Check.Diodes = 0;
  Check.Resistors = 0;
  BJT.hFE = 0;
  BJT.I_CE0 = 0;
  SetADCHiz();                                   //Set all pins of ADC port as input
  lcd_clear();                                   //Clear LCD
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
  Config.U_Bandgap = ReadU(0x0e);                //Dummy read for bandgap stabilization
  Config.Samples = 200;                          //Do a lot of samples for high accuracy
  Config.U_Bandgap = ReadU(0x0e);                //Get voltage of bandgap reference
  Config.Samples = ADC_SAMPLES;                  //Set samples back to default
  Config.U_Bandgap += Config.RefOffset;          //Add voltage offset
  if (Test == 2)                                 //Long Press
    wdt_disable();                               //Disable watchdog
    MainMenu();                                  //Main Menu
    if (AllProbesShorted() == 3)                 //All probes Shorted!
      lcd_fixed_string(Remove_str);            //Display: Remove/Create
      lcd_fixed_string(ShortCircuit_str);      //Display: short circuit!
      lcd_line(2);                             //Move to line #2
      lcd_fixed_string(Running_str);           //Display: Testing...
      if (Check.Found == COMP_ERROR)           //Discharge failed
      { //Only for Standalone Version!
        lcd_fixed_string(DischargeFailed_str); //Display: Battery?
        DisplayValue(Check.U, -3, 'V');
      else                                     //Skip all other checks
        CheckProbes(TP1, TP2, TP3);
        CheckProbes(TP2, TP1, TP3);
        CheckProbes(TP1, TP3, TP2);
        CheckProbes(TP3, TP1, TP2);
        CheckProbes(TP2, TP3, TP1);
        CheckProbes(TP3, TP2, TP1);
        if ((Check.Found == COMP_NONE) ||
            (Check.Found == COMP_RESISTOR))
          Serial.println(X("Wait a moment..."));
          MeasureCap(TP3, TP1, 0);
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
          MeasureCap(TP3, TP2, 1);
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
          MeasureCap(TP2, TP1, 2);
        pinMode(TEST_BUTTON, INPUT_PULLUP);  //Reinitialize the pushbutton pin as an input
        Serial.print("Found: ");
        switch (Check.Found)
          case COMP_ERROR:
            Serial.println(X("Component Error!"));
          case COMP_NONE:
            Serial.println(X("No Component!"));
          case COMP_RESISTOR:
          case COMP_CAPACITOR:
          case COMP_INDUCTOR:
          case COMP_DIODE:
          case COMP_BJT:
          case COMP_FET:
          case COMP_IGBT:
          case COMP_TRIAC:
          case COMP_THYRISTOR:
        switch (Check.Found)
          case COMP_ERROR:
          case COMP_DIODE:
          case COMP_BJT:
          case COMP_FET:
          case COMP_IGBT:
          case COMP_THYRISTOR:
          case COMP_TRIAC:
          case COMP_RESISTOR:
          case COMP_CAPACITOR:
          default:                             //No component found
#ifdef ATSW                            //Client output
        RunsMissed = 0;                        //Reset counter
        RunsPassed++;                          //Increase counter
  delay(1000);                                   //Let the user read the text
  wdt_disable();                                 //Disable watchdog
}//end of void loop


void SetADCHiz(void)
  ADC_DDR &= ~(1 << TP1);
  ADC_DDR &= ~(1 << TP2);
  ADC_DDR &= ~(1 << TP3);
void SetADCLow(void)
  ADC_PORT &= ~(1 << TP1);
  ADC_PORT &= ~(1 << TP2);
  ADC_PORT &= ~(1 << TP3);
void UpdateProbes(byte Probe1, byte Probe2, byte Probe3)
  Probes.Pin_1 = Probe1;
  Probes.Pin_2 = Probe2;
  Probes.Pin_3 = Probe3;
  Probes.Rl_1 = Rl_table[Probe1];
  Probes.Rh_1 = Probes.Rl_1 + Probes.Rl_1;
  Probes.ADC_1 = ADC_table[Probe1];
  Probes.Rl_2 = Rl_table[Probe2];
  Probes.Rh_2 = Probes.Rl_2 + Probes.Rl_2;
  Probes.ADC_2 = ADC_table[Probe2];
  Probes.Rl_3 = Rl_table[Probe3];
  Probes.Rh_3 = Probes.Rl_3 + Probes.Rl_3;
byte ShortedProbes(byte Probe1, byte Probe2)
  byte                        Flag = 0;          //Return value
  unsigned int                U1;                //Voltage at probe #1 in mV
  unsigned int                U2;                //Voltage at probe #2 in mV
  R_PORT = Rl_table[Probe1];
  R_DDR = Rl_table[Probe1] | Rl_table[Probe2];
  U1 = ReadU(Probe1);
  U2 = ReadU(Probe2);
  if ((U1 > UREF_VCC / 2 - 30) && (U1 < UREF_VCC / 2 + 30))
    if ((U2 > UREF_VCC / 2 - 30) && (U2 < UREF_VCC / 2 + 30))
      Flag = 1;
  R_DDR = 0;
  return Flag;
byte AllProbesShorted(void)
  byte                        Flag = 0;          //Return value
  Flag = ShortedProbes(TP1, TP2);
  Flag += ShortedProbes(TP1, TP3);
  Flag += ShortedProbes(TP2, TP3);
  return Flag;
void DischargeProbes(void)
  byte                        Counter;           //Loop control
  byte                        Limit = 40;        //Sliding timeout (2s)
  byte                        ID;                //Test pin
  byte                        DischargeMask;     //Bitmask
  unsigned int                U_c;               //Current voltage
  unsigned int                U_old[3];          //Old voltages
  R_PORT = 0;
  R_DDR = (2 << (TP1 * 2)) | (2 << (TP2 * 2)) | (2 << (TP3 * 2));
  R_DDR |= (1 << (TP1 * 2)) | (1 << (TP2 * 2)) | (1 << (TP3 * 2));
  U_old[0] = ReadU(TP1);
  U_old[1] = ReadU(TP2);
  U_old[2] = ReadU(TP3);
  Counter = 1;
  ID = 2;
  DischargeMask = 0;
  while (Counter > 0)
    ID++;                                        //Next probe
    if (ID > 2) ID = 0;                          //Start with probe #1 again
    if (DischargeMask & (1 << ID))               //Skip discharged probe
    U_c = ReadU(ID);                             //Get voltage of probe
    if (U_c < U_old[ID])                         //Voltage decreased
      U_old[ID] = U_c;                           //Update old value
      if ((Limit - Counter) < 20)
        if (Limit < (255 - 20)) Limit += 20;
      Counter = 1;                               //Reset no-changes counter
    else                                         //Voltage not decreased
      if ((U_c < 10) && (Limit <= 40)) Limit = 80;
      Counter++;                                 //Increase no-changes counter
    if (U_c <= CAP_DISCHARGED)                   //Seems to be discharged
      DischargeMask |= (1 << ID);                //Set flag
    else if (U_c < 800)                          //Extra pull-down
      ADC_DDR |= ADC_table[ID];
    if (DischargeMask == 0b00000111)             //All probes discharged
      Counter = 0;                               //End loop
    else if (Counter > Limit)                    //No decrease for some time
      //Might be a battery or a super cap
      Check.Found = COMP_ERROR;                  //Report error
      Check.Type = TYPE_DISCHARGE;               //Discharge problem
      Check.Probe = ID;                          //Save probe
      Check.U = U_c;                             //Save voltage
      Counter = 0;                               //End loop
    else                                         //Go for another round
      wdt_reset();                               //Reset watchdog
      delay(50);                                 //Wait for 50ms
  R_DDR = 0;                                     //Set resistor port to input mode
  SetADCHiz();                                   //Set ADC port to input mode
void PullProbe(byte Mask, byte Mode)
  if (Mode & FLAG_PULLUP) R_PORT |= Mask;        //Pull-up
  else R_PORT &= ~Mask;                          //Pull-down
  R_DDR |= Mask;                                 //Enable pulling
  if (Mode & FLAG_1MS) delay(1);                 //Wait 1ms
  else delay(10);                                //Wait 10ms
  R_DDR &= ~Mask;                                //Set to HiZ mode
  R_PORT &= ~Mask;                               //Set 0
unsigned long RescaleValue(unsigned long Value, signed char Scale, signed char NewScale)
  unsigned long               NewValue;
  NewValue = Value;                              //Take old value
  while (Scale != NewScale)                      //Processing loop
    if (NewScale > Scale)                        //Upscale
      NewValue /= 10;
    else                                         //Downscale
      NewValue *= 10;
  return NewValue;
unsigned int GetFactor(unsigned int U_in, byte ID)
  unsigned int                Factor;            //Return value
  unsigned int                U_Diff;            //Voltage difference to table start
  unsigned int                Fact1, Fact2;      //Table entries
  unsigned int                TabStart;          //Table start voltage
  unsigned int                TabStep;           //Table step voltage
  unsigned int                TabIndex;          //Table entries (-2)
  unsigned int                *Table;
  byte                        Index;             //Table index
  byte                        Diff;              //Difference to next entry
    TabStart = 1000;                             //Table starts at 1000mV
    TabStep = 50;                                //50mV steps between entries
    TabIndex = 7;                                //Entries in table - 2
    Table = (unsigned int *)&SmallCap_table[0];  //Pointer to table start
  else if (ID == TABLE_LARGE_CAP)
    TabStart = 300;                              //Table starts at 1000mV
    TabStep = 25;                                //25mV steps between entries
    TabIndex = 42;                               //Entries in table - 2
    Table = (unsigned int *)&LargeCap_table[0];  //Pointer to table start
  else if (ID == TABLE_INDUCTOR)
    TabStart = 200;                              //Table starts at 200
    TabStep = 25;                                //Steps between entries
    TabIndex = 30;                               //Entries in table - 2
    Table = (unsigned int *)&Inductor_table[0];  //Pointer to table start
    return 0;
  if (U_in >= TabStart) U_Diff = U_in - TabStart;
  else U_Diff = 0;
  Index = U_Diff / TabStep;                      //Index (position in table)
  Diff = U_Diff % TabStep;                       //Difference to index
  Diff = TabStep - Diff;                         //Difference to next entry
  if (Index > TabIndex) Index = TabIndex;
  Table += Index;                                //Advance to index
  Fact1 = *(Table);
  Table++;                                       //Next entry
  Fact2 = *(Table);
  Factor = Fact1 - Fact2;
  Factor *= Diff;
  Factor += TabStep / 2;
  Factor /= TabStep;
  Factor += Fact2;
  return Factor;
void CheckProbes(byte Probe1, byte Probe2, byte Probe3)
  byte                        Flag;              //Temporary value
  unsigned int                U_Rl;              //Voltage across Rl (load)
  unsigned int                U_1;               //Voltage #1
  if (Check.Found == COMP_ERROR) return;         //Skip check on any error
  wdt_reset();                                   //Reset watchdog
  UpdateProbes(Probe1, Probe2, Probe3);          //Update bitmasks
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Set resistor port to Gnd
  R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2;                           //Pull down probe-2 via Rl
  ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1;                        //Set probe-1 to output
  ADC_PORT = Probes.ADC_1;                       //Pull-up probe-1 directly
  PullProbe(Probes.Rl_3, FLAG_10MS | FLAG_PULLDOWN);
  U_Rl = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_2);                //Get voltage at Rl
  if (U_Rl >= 977)                               // > 1.4mA
    PullProbe(Probes.Rl_3, FLAG_10MS | FLAG_PULLUP);
    U_Rl = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_2);              //Get voltage at Rl
  if (U_Rl > 490)                                // > 700A‚ÂlA (was 92mV/130A‚ÂlA)
  if (U_Rl < 977)                                //Load current < 1.4mA
    if (Check.Done == 0)                         //Not sure yet
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2;                       //Enable Rl for probe-2
      R_PORT = 0;                                //Pull down collector via Rl
      ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1;                    //Set probe 1 to output
      ADC_PORT = Probes.ADC_1;                   //Pull up emitter directly
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2 | Probes.Rl_3;         //Pull down base via Rl
      U_1 = ReadU_5ms(Probe2);                   //Get voltage at collector
      if (U_1 > 3422)                            //Detected current > 4.8mA
        CheckBJTorEnhModeMOSFET(TYPE_PNP, U_Rl);
    if (Check.Done == 0)                         //Not sure yet
      ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;                    //Set probe-2 to output mode
      SetADCLow();                               //Pull down probe-2 directly
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rl_3;         //Select Rl for probe-1 & Rl for probe-3
      R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rl_3;        //Pull up collector & base via Rl
      U_1 = ReadU_5ms(Probe1);                   //Get voltage at collector
      if (U_1 < 1600)                            //Detected current > 4.8mA
        Flag = CheckThyristorTriac();
        if (Flag == 0)                           //No thyristor or triac
          CheckBJTorEnhModeMOSFET(TYPE_NPN, U_Rl);
  else                                           //Load current > 1.4mA
  if ((Check.Found == COMP_NONE) ||
      (Check.Found == COMP_RESISTOR))
    if ((Check.Found == COMP_FET) && (Check.Type & TYPE_MOSFET))
  SetADCHiz();                                   //Set ADC port to HiZ mode
  SetADCLow();                                   //Set ADC port low
  R_DDR = 0;                                     //Set resistor port to HiZ mode
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Set resistor port low
unsigned int ReadU(byte Probe)
  unsigned int                U;                 //Return value (mV)
  byte                        Counter;           //Loop counter
  unsigned long               Value;             //ADC value
  boolean                     cycle;
  Probe |= (1 << REFS0);                         //Use internal reference anyway
  do {
    cycle = false;
    ADMUX = Probe;                                 //Set input channel and U reference
    Counter = Probe & (1 << REFS1);                //Get REFS1 bit flag
    if (Counter != Config.RefFlag)
      waitus(100);                               //Time for voltage stabilization
      ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);                     //Start conversion
      while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));              //Wait until conversion is done
      Config.RefFlag = Counter;                  //Update flag
    Value = 0UL;                                 //Reset sampling variable
    Counter = 0;                                 //Reset counter
    while (Counter < Config.Samples)             //Take samples
      ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);                     //Start conversion
      while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));              //Wait until conversion is done
      Value += ADCW;                             //Add ADC reading
      if (Counter == 4)
        if (((unsigned int)Value < 1024) && !(Probe & (1 << REFS1)) && (Config.AutoScale == 1))
          Probe |= (1 << REFS1);                 //Select internal bandgap reference
          cycle = true;                          //Re-run sampling
      Counter++;                                 //One less to do
  } while (cycle);
  if (Probe & (1 << REFS1)) U = Config.U_Bandgap;//Bandgap reference
  else U = UREF_VCC;                             //Vcc reference
  Value *= U;                                    //ADC readings * U_ref
  Value /= 1024;                                 // / 1024 for 10bit ADC
  Value /= Config.Samples;
  U = (unsigned int)Value;
  return U;
unsigned int ReadU_5ms(byte Probe)
  delay(5);                                     //Wait 5ms
  return (ReadU(Probe));
unsigned int ReadU_20ms(byte Probe)
  delay(20);                                     //Wait 20ms
  return (ReadU(Probe));
void waitus(byte microsec) {
unsigned long Get_hFE_C(byte Type)
  unsigned long               hFE;               //Return value
  unsigned int                U_R_e;             //Voltage across emitter resistor
  unsigned int                U_R_b;             //Voltage across base resistor
  unsigned int                Ri;                //Internal resistance of A‚ÂlC
  if (Type == TYPE_NPN)                          //NPN
    ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1;                      //Set probe 1 to output
    ADC_PORT = Probes.ADC_1;                     //Pull up collector directly
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2 | Probes.Rl_3;           //Select Rl for probe-2 & Rl for probe-3
    R_PORT = Probes.Rl_3;                        //Pull up base via Rl
    U_R_e = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_2);             //U_R_e = U_e
    U_R_b = UREF_VCC - ReadU(Probes.Pin_3);      //U_R_b = Vcc - U_b
  else                                           //PNP
    SetADCLow();                                 //Set ADC port low
    ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;                      //Pull down collector directly
    R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;                        //Pull up emitter via Rl
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rl_3;           //Pull down base via Rl
    U_R_e = UREF_VCC - ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);  //U_R_e = Vcc - U_e
    U_R_b = ReadU(Probes.Pin_3);                 //U_R_b = U_b
  if (U_R_b < 10)                                //I_b < 14A‚ÂlA -> Darlington
    if (Type == TYPE_NPN)                        //NPN
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2 | Probes.Rh_3;         //Select Rl for probe-2 & Rh for probe-3
      R_PORT = Probes.Rh_3;                      //Pull up base via Rh
      U_R_e = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_2);           //U_R_e = U_e
      U_R_b = UREF_VCC - ReadU(Probes.Pin_3);    //U_R_b = Vcc - U_b
      Ri = Config.RiL;                           //Get internal resistor
    else                                         //PNP
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rh_3;         //Pull down base via Rh
      U_R_e = UREF_VCC - ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);//U_R_e = Vcc - U_e
      U_R_b = ReadU(Probes.Pin_3);               //U_R_b = U_b
      Ri = Config.RiH;                           //Get internal resistor
    if (U_R_b < 1) U_R_b = 1;                    //Prevent division by zero
    hFE =  U_R_e * R_HIGH;                       //U_R_e * R_b
    hFE /= U_R_b;                                // / U_R_b
    hFE *= 10;                                   //Upscale to 0.1
    hFE /= (R_LOW * 10) + Ri;                    // / R_e in 0.1 Ohm
  else                                           //I_b > 14A‚ÂlA -> standard
    hFE = (unsigned long)((U_R_e - U_R_b) / U_R_b);
  return hFE;
void GetGateThreshold(byte Type)
  unsigned long               Uth = 0;           //Gate threshold voltage
  byte                        Drain_Rl;          //Rl bitmask for drain
  byte                        Drain_ADC;         //ADC bitmask for drain
  byte                        PullMode;
  byte                        Counter;           //Loop counter
  if (Type & TYPE_N_CHANNEL)                     //n-channel
    Drain_Rl =  Probes.Rl_1;
    Drain_ADC = Probes.ADC_1;
    PullMode = FLAG_10MS | FLAG_PULLDOWN;
  else                                           //p-channel
    Drain_Rl =  Probes.Rl_2;
    Drain_ADC = Probes.ADC_2;
    PullMode = FLAG_10MS | FLAG_PULLUP;
  Drain_ADC &= 0b00000111;                       //drain
  ADMUX = Probes.Pin_3 | (1 << REFS0);           //Select probe-3 for ADC input
  for (Counter = 0; Counter < 10; Counter++)
    wdt_reset();                                 //Reset watchdog
    PullProbe(Probes.Rl_3, PullMode);
    R_DDR = Drain_Rl | Probes.Rh_3;
    if (Type & TYPE_N_CHANNEL)                   //n-channel
      while (ADC_PIN & Drain_ADC);
    else                                         //p-channel
      while (!(ADC_PIN & Drain_ADC));
    R_DDR = Drain_Rl;                            //Set probe-3 to HiZ mode
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);                       //Start ADC conversion
    while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));                //Wait until conversion is done
    if (Type & TYPE_N_CHANNEL)                   //n-channel
      Uth += ADCW;                               //U_g = U_measued
    else                                         //p-channel
      Uth += (1023 - ADCW);                      //U_g = Vcc - U_measured
  Uth /= 10;                                     //Average of 10 samples
  Uth *= UREF_VCC;                               //Convert to voltage
  Uth /= 1024;                                   //Using 10 bit resolution
  FET.V_th = (unsigned int)Uth;
unsigned int GetLeakageCurrent(void)
  unsigned int                I_leak = 0;        //Return value
  unsigned int                U_Rl;              //Voltage at Rl
  unsigned int                R_Shunt;           //Shunt resistor
  uint32_t                    Value;
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Set resistor port to Gnd
  R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2;                           //Pull down probe-2 via Rl
  ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1;                        //Set probe-1 to output
  ADC_PORT = Probes.ADC_1;                       //Pull-up probe-1 directly
  U_Rl = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_2);                //Get voltage at Rl
  R_Shunt = Config.RiL + (R_LOW * 10);           //Consider internal resistance of MCU (0.1 Ohms)
  R_Shunt += 5;                                  //For rounding
  R_Shunt /= 10;                                 //Scale to Ohms
  Value = U_Rl * 100000;                         //Scale to 10nV
  Value /= R_Shunt;                              //in 10nA
  Value += 55;                                   //For rounding
  Value /= 100;                                  //Scale to A‚ÂlA
  I_leak = Value;
  SetADCHiz();                                   //Set ADC port to HiZ mode
  SetADCLow();                                   //Set ADC port low
  R_DDR = 0;                                     //Set resistor port to HiZ mode
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Set resistor port low
  return I_leak;
void CheckDiode(void)
  Diode_Type                  *Diode;            //Pointer to diode
  unsigned int                U1_Rl;             //Vf #1 with Rl pull-up
  unsigned int                U1_Rh;             //Vf #1 with Rh pull-up
  unsigned int                U1_Zero;           //Vf #1 zero
  unsigned int                U2_Rl;             //Vf #2 with Rl pull-up
  unsigned int                U2_Rh;             //Vf #2 with Rh pull-up
  unsigned int                U2_Zero;           //Vf #2 zero
  wdt_reset();                                   //Reset watchdog
  DischargeProbes();                             //Try to discharge probes
  if (Check.Found == COMP_ERROR) return;         //Skip on error
  ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;                        //Pull down cathode directly
  U1_Zero = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);                 //Get voltage at anode
  R_DDR = Probes.Rh_1;                           //Enable Rh for probe-1
  R_PORT = Probes.Rh_1;                          //Pull up anode via Rh
  PullProbe(Probes.Rl_3, FLAG_10MS | FLAG_PULLUP);
  U1_Rh = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);               //Get voltage at anode, neglect voltage at cathode
  R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1;                           //Enable Rl for probe-1
  R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;                          //Pull up anode via Rl
  PullProbe(Probes.Rl_3, FLAG_10MS | FLAG_PULLUP);
  U1_Rl = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);               //Get voltage at anode
  U1_Rl -= ReadU(Probes.Pin_2);                  //Substract voltage at cathode
  DischargeProbes();                             //Try to discharge probes
  if (Check.Found == COMP_ERROR) return;         //Skip on error
  ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;                        //Pull down cathode directly
  U2_Zero = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);                 //Get voltage at anode
  R_DDR = Probes.Rh_1;                           //Enable Rh for probe-1
  R_PORT = Probes.Rh_1;                          //Pull up anode via Rh
  PullProbe(Probes.Rl_3, FLAG_10MS | FLAG_PULLDOWN);
  U2_Rh = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);               //Get voltage at anode, neglect voltage at cathode
  R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1;                           //Enable Rl for probe-1
  R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;                          //Pull up anode via Rl
  PullProbe(Probes.Rl_3, FLAG_10MS | FLAG_PULLDOWN);
  U2_Rl = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);               //Get voltage at anode
  U2_Rl -= ReadU(Probes.Pin_2);                  //Substract voltage at cathode
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Stop pulling up
  if (U1_Rl > U2_Rl)                             //The higher voltage wins
    U2_Rl = U1_Rl;
    U2_Rh = U1_Rh;
    U2_Zero = U1_Zero;
  if (U2_Rh <= 10) return;                       //Small resistor or very large cap
  U1_Zero = U2_Rh - U2_Zero;                     //Voltage difference
  if ((U2_Zero > 2) && (U1_Zero < 100)) return;  //Capacitor
  if (U2_Rh < 40)                                //Resistor (< 3k)
    uint32_t                  a, b;
    b = (R_HIGH * 10) / ((R_LOW * 10) + Config.RiH + Config.RiL);
    a = b - 1;                                   //k - 1
    a /= 5;                                      // / 5V
    a *= U2_Rh;                                  // *U_Rh
    a += 1000;                                   // +1 (1000 for mV)
    b *= 1000;                                   //For mV
    b *= U2_Rh;                                  // *U_Rh
    b /= a;                                      //U_Rl in mV
    U1_Zero = (unsigned int)b;
    U1_Rl = U1_Zero;
    U1_Rh = U1_Zero;
    U1_Zero /= 50;                               //2%
    U1_Rh += U1_Zero;                            //102%
    U1_Zero = (unsigned int)b;
    U1_Zero /= 33;                               //3%
    U1_Rl -= U1_Zero;                            //97% (for resistors near 1k)
    if ((U2_Rl >= U1_Rl) && (U2_Rl <= U1_Rh)) return;
  if ((U2_Rl > 150) && (U2_Rl < 4640))
    if ((Check.Found == COMP_NONE) ||
        (Check.Found == COMP_RESISTOR))
      Check.Found = COMP_DIODE;
    Diode = &Diodes[Check.Diodes];
    Diode->A = Probes.Pin_1;
    Diode->C = Probes.Pin_2;
    Diode->V_f = U2_Rl;                          //Vf for high measurement current
    Diode->V_f2 = U2_Rh;                         //Vf for low measurement current
void VerifyMOSFET(void)
  byte                        Flag = 0;
  byte                        n = 0;
  byte                        Anode;
  byte                        Cathode;
  Diode_Type                  *Diode;            //Pointer to diode
  if (Check.Type & TYPE_N_CHANNEL)               //n-channel
    Anode = FET.S;
    Cathode = FET.D;
  else                                           //p-channel
    Anode = FET.D;
    Cathode = FET.S;
  Diode = &Diodes[0];                            //First diode
  while (n < Check.Diodes)
    if ((Diode->A == Cathode) && (Diode->C == Anode))
      Flag = 1;                                  //Signal match
      n = 10;                                    //End loop
    n++;                                         //Next diode
  if (Flag == 1)                                 //Found reversed diode
    Check.Found = COMP_NONE;
    Check.Type = 0;
    Check.Done = 0;
void CheckBJTorEnhModeMOSFET(byte BJT_Type, unsigned int U_Rl)
  byte                        FET_Type;          //MOSFET type
  unsigned int                U_R_c;             //Voltage across collector resistor
  unsigned int                U_R_b;             //Voltage across base resistor
  unsigned int                BJT_Level;         //Voltage threshold for BJT
  unsigned int                FET_Level;         //Voltage threshold for FET
  unsigned int                I_CE0;             //Leakage current
  unsigned long               hFE_C;             //hFE (common collector)
  unsigned long               hFE_E;             //hFE (common emitter)
  if (BJT_Type == TYPE_NPN)                      //NPN / n-channel
    BJT_Level = 2557;                            //Voltage across base resistor (5.44A‚ÂlA)
    FET_Level = 3400;                            //Voltage across drain resistor (4.8mA)
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rh_3;           //Enable Rl for probe-1 & Rh for probe-3
    R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rh_3;          //Pull up collector via Rl and base via Rh
    delay(50);                                   //Wait to skip gate charging of a FET
    U_R_c = UREF_VCC - ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);      //U_R_c = Vcc - U_c
    U_R_b = UREF_VCC - ReadU(Probes.Pin_3);      //U_R_b = Vcc - U_b
  else                                           //PNP / p-channel
    BJT_Level = 977;                             //Voltage across base resistor (2.1A‚ÂlA)
    FET_Level = 2000;                            //Voltage across drain resistor (2.8mA)
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2 | Probes.Rh_3;           //Pull down base via Rh
    U_R_c = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_2);             //U_R_c = U_c
    U_R_b = ReadU(Probes.Pin_3);                 //U_R_b = U_b
  if (U_R_b > BJT_Level)                         //U_R_b exceeds minimum level of BJT
    if (Check.Found == COMP_BJT) Check.Done = 1;
    Check.Found = COMP_BJT;
    Check.Type = BJT_Type;
    I_CE0 = GetLeakageCurrent();                 //Get leakage current (in A‚ÂlA)
    if (U_R_c > U_Rl) U_R_c -= U_Rl;             // - U_Rl (leakage)
    hFE_E = U_R_c * R_HIGH;                      //U_R_c * R_b
    hFE_E /= U_R_b;                              // / U_R_b
    hFE_E *= 10;                                 //Upscale to 0.1
    if (BJT_Type == TYPE_NPN)                    //NPN
      hFE_E /= (R_LOW * 10) + Config.RiH;        // / R_c in 0.1 Ohm
    else                                         //PNP
      hFE_E /= (R_LOW * 10) + Config.RiL;        // / R_c in 0.1 Ohm
    hFE_C = Get_hFE_C(BJT_Type);
    if (hFE_C > hFE_E) hFE_E = hFE_C;
    if (hFE_E > BJT.hFE)
      BJT.hFE = hFE_E;
      BJT.I_CE0 = I_CE0;
      BJT.B = Probes.Pin_3;
      if (BJT_Type == TYPE_NPN)                  //NPN
        BJT.C = Probes.Pin_1;
        BJT.E = Probes.Pin_2;
      else                                       //PNP
        BJT.C = Probes.Pin_2;
        BJT.E = Probes.Pin_1;
#if 0
    SetADCHiz();                                 //Set ADC port to HiZ mode
    R_DDR = 0;                                   //Set resistor port to HiZ mode
    if (BJT_Type == TYPE_NPN)                    //NPN
      ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1;                    //Pull-down emitter directly
      R_PORT = Probes.Rl_2 | Probes.Rh_3;        //Pull-up base via Rh
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2 | Probes.Rh_3;         //Enable probe resistors
      U_R_b = UREF_VCC - ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_2);//U_R_c = Vcc - U_c
    else                                         //PNP
      R_PORT = 0;
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rh_3;         //Pull down base via Rh
      ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;
      ADC_PORT = Probes.ADC_2;                   //Pull-up emitter directly
      U_R_b = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);           //U_R_c = U_c
    if (U_R_c > U_R_b)                           //I_c > I_c_reversed
      Check.Done = 1;
  else if ((U_Rl < 97) && (U_R_c > FET_Level))   //No BJT
    I_CE0 = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1) - ReadU(Probes.Pin_2);
    if (I_CE0 < 250)                             //MOSFET
      Check.Found = COMP_FET;
    else                                         //IGBT
      Check.Found = COMP_IGBT;
      Check.Type = FET_Type | TYPE_ENHANCEMENT;
    Check.Done = 1;                              //Transistor found
    FET.G = Probes.Pin_3;
    if (FET_Type == TYPE_N_CHANNEL)              //n-channel
      FET.D = Probes.Pin_1;
      FET.S = Probes.Pin_2;
    else                                         //p-channel
      FET.D = Probes.Pin_2;
      FET.S = Probes.Pin_1;
void CheckDepletionModeFET(unsigned int U_Rl_L)
  unsigned int                U_1;               //Voltage #1
  unsigned int                U_2;               //Voltage #2
  if (Check.Done == 0)                           //No transistor found yet
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2 | Probes.Rh_3;           //Pull down gate via Rh
    U_1 = ReadU_20ms(Probes.Pin_2);              //Voltage at source
    R_PORT = Probes.Rh_3;                        //Pull up gate via Rh
    U_2 = ReadU_20ms(Probes.Pin_2);              //Voltage at source
    if (U_2 > (U_1 + 488))
      SetADCLow();                               //Set ADC port to low
      ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;                    //Pull down source directly
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rh_3;         //Enable Rl for probe-1 & Rh for probe-3
      R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rh_3;        //Pull up drain via Rl / pull up gate via Rh
      U_2 = ReadU_20ms(Probes.Pin_3);            //Get voltage at gate
      if (U_2 > 3911)                            //MOSFET
      else                                       //JFET
        Check.Type = TYPE_N_CHANNEL | TYPE_JFET;
      Check.Found = COMP_FET;
      Check.Done = 1;
      FET.G = Probes.Pin_3;
      FET.D = Probes.Pin_1;
      FET.S = Probes.Pin_2;
  if (Check.Done == 0)                           //No transistor found yet
    SetADCLow();                                 //Set ADC port to Gnd
    ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;                      //Pull down drain directly
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rh_3;           //Enable Rl for probe-1 & Rh for probe-3
    R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rh_3;          //Pull up source via Rl / pull up gate via Rh
    U_1 = ReadU_20ms(Probes.Pin_1);              //Get voltage at source
    R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;                        //Pull down gate via Rh
    U_2 = ReadU_20ms(Probes.Pin_1);              //Get voltage at source
    if (U_1 > (U_2 + 488))
      ADC_PORT = Probes.ADC_1;                   //Pull up source directly
      ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1;                    //Enable pull up for source
      U_2 = ReadU_20ms(Probes.Pin_3);            //Get voltage at gate
      if (U_2 < 977)                             //MOSFET
      else                                       //JFET
      Check.Found = COMP_FET;
      Check.Done = 1;
      FET.G = Probes.Pin_3;
      FET.D = Probes.Pin_2;
      FET.S = Probes.Pin_1;
byte CheckThyristorTriac(void)
  byte                        Flag = 0;          //Return value
  unsigned int                U_1;               //Voltage #1
  unsigned int                U_2;               //Voltage #2
  PullProbe(Probes.Rl_3, FLAG_10MS | FLAG_PULLDOWN);
  U_1 = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);                 //Get voltage at anode
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Pull down anode
  R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;                          //And pull up anode again
  U_2 = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);                 //Get voltage at anode (below Rl)
  if ((U_1 < 1600) && (U_2 > 4400))
    Check.Found = COMP_THYRISTOR;                //If not detected as a triac below
    Check.Done = 1;
    R_DDR = 0;                                   //Disable all probe resistors
    R_PORT = 0;
    ADC_PORT = Probes.ADC_2;                     //Pull up MT1 directly
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1;                         //Pull down MT2 via Rl
    U_1 = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);               //Get voltage at MT2
    if (U_1 <= 244)
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1 | Probes.Rl_3;         //And pull down gate via Rl
      U_1 = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_3);             //Get voltage at gate
      U_2 = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);                 //Get voltage at MT2
      if ((U_1 >= 977) && (U_2 >= 733))
        R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1;                     //Set probe3 to HiZ mode
        U_1 = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);           //Get voltage at MT2
        if (U_1 >= 733)
          R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;                  //Pull up MT2 via Rl
          R_PORT = 0;                            //And pull down MT2 via Rl
          U_1 = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);         //Get voltage at MT2
          if (U_1 <= 244)
            Check.Found = COMP_TRIAC;
    BJT.B = Probes.Pin_3;
    BJT.C = Probes.Pin_1;
    BJT.E = Probes.Pin_2;
    Flag = 1;                                    //Signal that we found a component
  return Flag;
unsigned int SmallResistor(byte ZeroFlag)
  unsigned int                R = 0;             //Return value
  byte                        Probe;             //Probe ID
  byte                        Mode;              //Measurement mode
  byte                        Counter;           //Sample counter
  unsigned long               Value;             //ADC sample value
  unsigned long               Value1 = 0;        //U_Rl temp. value
  unsigned long               Value2 = 0;        //U_R_i_L temp. value
  DischargeProbes();                             //Try to discharge probes
  if (Check.Found == COMP_ERROR) return R;       //Skip on error
  SetADCLow();                                   //Set ADC port to low
  ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;                        //Pull-down probe 2 directly
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Low by default
  R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1;                           //Enable resistor
#define MODE_HIGH           0b00000001
#define MODE_LOW            0b00000010
  Mode = MODE_HIGH;
  while (Mode > 0)
    if (Mode & MODE_HIGH) Probe = Probes.Pin_1;
    else Probe = Probes.Pin_2;
    wdt_reset();                                 //Reset watchdog
    Counter = 0;                                 //Reset loop counter
    Value = 0;                                   //Reset sample value
    Probe |= (1 << REFS0) | (1 << REFS1);
    ADMUX = Probe;                               //Set input channel and U reference
    waitus(100);                                 //Time for voltage stabilization
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);                       //Start conversion
    while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));                //Wait until conversion is done
    while (Counter < 100)
      ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;                    //Pull-down probe-2 directly
      R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;
      ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);                     //Start conversion
      R_PORT = 0;
      ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2 | Probes.ADC_1;
      while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));              //Wait until conversion is done
      Value += ADCW;                             //Add ADC reading
      Counter++;                                 //Next round
    Value *= Config.U_Bandgap;
    Value /= 1024;                               // / 1024 for 10bit ADC
    Value /= 10;                                 //De-sample to 0.1mV
    if (Mode & MODE_HIGH)                        //Probe #1 / Rl
      Mode = MODE_LOW;                           //Switch to low side
      Value1 = Value;                            //Save measured value
    else                                         //Probe #2 / R_i_L
      Mode = 0;                                  //End loop
      Value2 = Value;                            //Save measured value
  if (Value1 > Value2)                           //Sanity check
    Value = 10UL * UREF_VCC;                     //in 0.1 mV
    Value -= Value1;
    Value *= 1000;                               //Scale to A‚ÂlA
    Value /= ((R_LOW * 10) + Config.RiH);        //in 0.1 Ohms
    Value1 -= Value2;                            //in 0.1 mV
    Value1 *= 10000;                             //Scale to 0.01 A‚ÂlV
    Value1 /= Value;                             //in 0.01 Ohms
    R = (unsigned int)Value1;                    //Copy result
    if (ZeroFlag == 1)                           //Auto-zero
      if (R > Config.RZero) R -= Config.RZero;
      else R = 0;
#undef                        MODE_LOW
#undef                        MODE_HIGH
  Config.RefFlag = (1 << REFS1);                 //Set REFS1 bit flag
  return R;
void CheckResistor(void)
  Resistor_Type               *Resistor;         //Pointer to resistor
  unsigned long               Value1;            //Resistance of measurement #1
  unsigned long               Value2;            //Resistance of measurement #2
  unsigned long               Value;             //Resistance value
  unsigned long               Temp;              //Temp. value
  signed char                 Scale;             //Resistance scale
  signed char                 Scale2;            //Resistance scale
  byte                        n;                 //Counter
  unsigned int                U_Rl_H;            //Voltage #1
  unsigned int                U_Ri_L;            //Voltage #2
  unsigned int                U_Rl_L;            //Voltage #3
  unsigned int                U_Ri_H;            //Voltage #4
  unsigned int                U_Rh_H;            //Voltage #5
  unsigned int                U_Rh_L;            //Voltage #6
  wdt_reset();                                   //Reset watchdog
  SetADCLow();                                   //Set ADC port low low
  ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;                        //Pull down probe-2 directly
  R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1;                           //Enable Rl for probe-1
  R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;                          //Pull up probe-1 via Rl
  U_Ri_L = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_2);              //Get voltage at internal R of A‚ÂlC
  U_Rl_H = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);                  //Get voltage at Rl pulled up
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Set resistor port low
  R_DDR = Probes.Rh_1;                           //Pull down probe-1 via Rh
  U_Rh_L = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);              //Get voltage at probe 1
  if (U_Rh_L <= 20)
    R_PORT = Probes.Rh_1;                        //Pull up probe-1 via Rh
    U_Rh_H = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);            //Get voltage at Rh pulled up
    ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1;                      //Set probe-1 to output
    ADC_PORT = Probes.ADC_1;                     //Pull up probe-1 directly
    R_PORT = 0;                                  //Set resistor port to low
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2;                         //Pull down probe-2 via Rl
    U_Ri_H = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_1);            //Get voltage at internal R of A‚ÂlC
    U_Rl_L = ReadU(Probes.Pin_2);                //Get voltage at Rl pulled down
    R_DDR = Probes.Rh_2;                         //Pull down probe-2 via Rh
    U_Rh_L = ReadU_5ms(Probes.Pin_2);            //Get voltage at Rh pulled down
    if ((U_Rl_H >= 4400) || (U_Rh_H <= 97))      //R >= 5.1k / R < 9.3k
      if (U_Rh_H < 4972)                         //R < 83.4M & prevent division by zero
        Value = 0;                               //Reset value of resistor
        if (U_Rl_L < 169)                        //R > 19.5k
          if (U_Rh_L >= 38)                      //R < 61.4M & prevent division by zero
            Value1 = R_HIGH * U_Rh_H;
            Value1 /= (UREF_VCC - U_Rh_H);
            Value2 = R_HIGH * (UREF_VCC - U_Rh_L);
            Value2 /= U_Rh_L;
            if (U_Rh_H < 990)                    //Below bandgap reference
              Value = (Value1 * 4);
              Value += Value2;
              Value /= 5;
            else if (U_Rh_L < 990)               //Below bandgap reference
              Value = (Value2 * 4);
              Value += Value1;
              Value /= 5;
            else                                 //Higher than bandgap reference
              Value = (Value1 + Value2) / 2;
            Value += RH_OFFSET;                  //Add offset value for Rh
            Value *= 10;                         //Upscale to 0.1 Ohms
        else                                     //U_Rl_L: R <= 19.5k
          if ((U_Rl_H >= U_Ri_L) && (U_Ri_H >= U_Rl_L))
            if (U_Rl_H == UREF_VCC) U_Rl_H = UREF_VCC - 1;
            Value1 = (R_LOW * 10) + Config.RiH;  //Rl + RiH in 0.1 Ohm
            Value1 *= (U_Rl_H - U_Ri_L);
            Value1 /= (UREF_VCC - U_Rl_H);
            Value2 = (R_LOW * 10) + Config.RiL;  //Rl + RiL in 0.1 Ohms
            Value2 *= (U_Ri_H - U_Rl_L);
            Value2 /= U_Rl_L;
            if (U_Rl_H < 990)                    //Below bandgap reference
              Value = (Value1 * 4);
              Value += Value2;
              Value /= 5;
            else if (U_Rl_L < 990)               //Below bandgap reference
              Value = (Value2 * 4);
              Value += Value1;
              Value /= 5;
            else                                 //Higher than bandgap reference
              Value = (Value1 + Value2) / 2;
          else                                   //May happen for very low resistances
            if (U_Rl_L > 4750) Value = 1;        //U_Rl_L: R < 15 Ohms
        if (Value > 0)                           //Valid resistor
          Scale = -1;                            //0.1 Ohm by default
          if (Value < 100UL)
            Value2 = (unsigned long)SmallResistor(1);
            Scale2 = -2;                         //0.01 Ohm
            Value1 = Value * 2;                  //Allow 100% tolerance
            Value1 *= 10;                        //Re-scale to 0.01 Ohms
            if (Value1 > Value2)                 //Got expected value
              Value = Value2;                    //Update data
              Scale = Scale2;
          n = 0;
          while (n < Check.Resistors)            //Loop through resistors
            Resistor = &Resistors[n];            //Pointer to element
            if ((Resistor->A == Probes.Pin_1) && (Resistor->B == Probes.Pin_2))
              if (CmpValue(Value, Scale, 2, 0) == -1)
                Temp = Value / 2;                //50%
              else                               //>= 2 Ohm
                Temp = Value / 20;               //5%
              Value1 = Value - Temp;             //95% or 50%
              Value2 = Value + Temp;             //105% or 150%
              if (CmpValue(Value, Scale, 1, -1) == -1)
                Value1 = 0;                      //0
                Value2 = Value * 5;              //500%
                if (Value2 == 0) Value2 = 5;     //Special case
              if ((CmpValue(Resistor->Value, Resistor->Scale, Value1, Scale) >= 0) &&
                  (CmpValue(Resistor->Value, Resistor->Scale, Value2, Scale) <= 0))
                Check.Found = COMP_RESISTOR;
                n = 100;                         //End loop and signal match
              else                               //No match
                n = 200;                         //End loop and signal mis-match
            else                                 //No match
              n++;                               //Next one
          if (n != 100)                          //Not a known resistor
            if (Check.Resistors < 3)             //Prevent array overflow
              Resistor = &Resistors[Check.Resistors];
              Resistor->A = Probes.Pin_2;
              Resistor->B = Probes.Pin_1;
              Resistor->Value = Value;
              Resistor->Scale = Scale;
              Check.Resistors++;                 //Another one found
signed char CmpValue(unsigned long Value1, signed char Scale1, unsigned long Value2, signed char Scale2)
  signed char                 Flag;              //Return value
  signed char                 Len1, Len2;        //Length
  Len1 = NumberOfDigits(Value1) + Scale1;
  Len2 = NumberOfDigits(Value2) + Scale2;
  if ((Value1 == 0) || (Value2 == 0))            //Special case
    Flag = 10;                                   //Perform direct comparison
  else if (Len1 > Len2)                          //More digits -> larger
    Flag = 1;
  else if (Len1 == Len2)                         //Same length
    Len1 -= Scale1;
    Len2 -= Scale2;
    while (Len1 > Len2)                          //Up-scale Value #2
      Value2 *= 10;
    while (Len2 > Len1)                          //Up-scale Value #1
      Value1 *= 10;
    Flag = 10;                                   //Perform direct comparison
  else                                           //Less digits -> smaller
    Flag = -1;
  if (Flag == 10)                                //Perform direct comparison
    if (Value1 > Value2) Flag = 1;
    else if (Value1 < Value2) Flag = -1;
    else Flag = 0;
  return Flag;
byte NumberOfDigits(unsigned long Value)
  byte                        Counter = 1;
  while (Value >= 10)
    Value /= 10;
  return Counter;
byte LargeCap(Capacitor_Type *Cap)
  byte                        Flag = 3;          //Return value
  byte                        TempByte;          //Temp. value
  byte                        Mode;              //Measurement mode
  signed char                 Scale;             //Capacitance scale
  unsigned int                TempInt;           //Temp. value
  unsigned int                Pulses;            //Number of charging pulses
  unsigned int                U_Zero;            //Voltage before charging
  unsigned int                U_Cap;             //Voltage of DUT
  unsigned int                U_Drop = 0;        //Voltage drop
  unsigned long               Raw;               //Raw capacitance value
  unsigned long               Value;             //Corrected capacitance value
  boolean                     rerun;
  Mode = FLAG_10MS | FLAG_PULLUP;                //Start with large caps
  do {
    rerun = false;                               //One-Time
    DischargeProbes();                             //Try to discharge probes
    if (Check.Found == COMP_ERROR) return 0;       //Skip on error
    SetADCLow();                                   //Set ADC port to low
    ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;                        //Pull-down probe 2 directly
    R_PORT = 0;                                    //Set resistor port to low
    R_DDR = 0;                                     //Set resistor port to HiZ
    U_Zero = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);                  //Get zero voltage (noise)
    Pulses = 0;
    TempByte = 1;
    while (TempByte)
      PullProbe(Probes.Rl_1, Mode);                //Charging pulse
      U_Cap = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);                 //Get voltage
      U_Cap -= U_Zero;                             //Zero offset
      if ((Pulses == 126) && (U_Cap < 75)) TempByte = 0;
      if (U_Cap >= 300) TempByte = 0;
      if (Pulses == 500) TempByte = 0;
      wdt_reset();                                 //Reset watchdog
    if (U_Cap < 300)
      Flag = 1;
    if ((Pulses == 1) && (U_Cap > 1300))
      if (Mode & FLAG_10MS)                        //<47A‚ÂlF
        Mode = FLAG_1MS | FLAG_PULLUP;             //Set mode (1ms charging pulses)
        rerun = true;                              //And re-run
      else                                         //<4.7A‚ÂlF
        Flag = 2;
  } while (rerun);
  if (Flag == 3)
    TempInt = Pulses;
    while (TempInt > 0)
      TempInt--;                                 //Descrease timeout
      U_Drop = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);              //Get voltage
      U_Drop -= U_Zero;                          //Zero offset
      wdt_reset();                               //Reset watchdog
    if (U_Cap > U_Drop) U_Drop = U_Cap - U_Drop;
    else U_Drop = 0;
    if (U_Drop > 100) Flag = 0;
  if (Flag == 3)
    Scale = -9;                                  //Factor is scaled to nF
    Raw = GetFactor(U_Cap + U_Drop, TABLE_LARGE_CAP);
    Raw *= Pulses;                               //C = pulses * factor
    if (Mode & FLAG_10MS) Raw *= 10;             // *10 for 10ms charging pulses
    if (Raw > UINT32_MAX / 1000)                 //Scale down if C >4.3mF
      Raw /= 1000;                               //Scale down by 10^3
      Scale += 3;                                //Add 3 to the exponent
    Value = Raw;                                 //Copy raw value
    Value *= 100;
    if (Mode & FLAG_10MS) Value /= 109;          //-9% for large cap
    else Value /= 104;                           //-4% for mid cap
    Cap->A = Probes.Pin_2;                       //Pull-down probe pin
    Cap->B = Probes.Pin_1;                       //Pull-up probe pin
    Cap->Scale = Scale;                          //-9 or -6
    Cap->Raw = Raw;
    Cap->Value = Value;                          //Max. 4.3*10^6nF or 100*10^3A‚ÂlF
  return Flag;
byte SmallCap(Capacitor_Type *Cap)
  byte                        Flag = 3;          //Return value
  byte                        TempByte;          //Temp. value
  signed char                 Scale;             //Capacitance scale
  unsigned int                Ticks;             //Timer counter
  unsigned int                Ticks2;            //Timer overflow counter
  unsigned int                U_c;               //Voltage of capacitor
  unsigned long               Raw;               //Raw capacitance value
  unsigned long               Value;             //Corrected capacitance value
  Ticks2 = 0;                                    //Reset timer overflow counter
  DischargeProbes();                             //Try to discharge probes
  if (Check.Found == COMP_ERROR) return 0;       //Skip on error
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Set resistor port to low
  ADC_DDR = (1 << TP1) | (1 << TP2) | (1 << TP3);
  SetADCLow();                                   //Set ADC port to low
  R_DDR = Probes.Rh_1;                           //Pull-down probe-1 via Rh
  ADCSRB = (1 << ACME);                          //Use ADC multiplexer as negative input
  ACSR =  (1 << ACBG) | (1 << ACIC);             //Use bandgap as positive input, trigger timer1
  ADMUX = (1 << REFS0) | Probes.Pin_1;  //Switch ADC multiplexer to probe 1 and set AREF to Vcc
  ADCSRA = ADC_CLOCK_DIV;                        //Disable ADC, but keep clock dividers
  TCCR1A = 0;                                    //Set default mode
  TCCR1B = 0;                                    //Set more timer modes
  TCNT1 = 0;                                     //Set Counter1 to 0
  TIFR1 = (1 << ICF1) | (1 << OCF1B) | (1 << OCF1A) | (1 << TOV1);
  R_PORT = Probes.Rh_1;                          //Pull-up probe-1 via Rh
  if (Check.Found == COMP_FET)
    TempByte = (((1 << TP1) | (1 << TP2) | (1 << TP3)) & ~(1 << Probes.Pin_1));
    TempByte = Probes.ADC_2;                     //Keep just probe-1 pulled down
  TCCR1B = (1 << CS10);
  ADC_DDR = TempByte;                            //Start charging DUT
  while (1)
    TempByte = TIFR1;                           //Get timer1 flags
    if (TempByte & (1 << ICF1)) break;
    if (TempByte & (1 << TOV1))
      TIFR1 = (1 << TOV1);                      //Reset flag
      wdt_reset();                              //Reset watchdog
      Ticks2++;                                 //Increase overflow counter
      if (Ticks2 == (CPU_FREQ / 5000)) break;
  TCCR1B = 0;                                    //Stop timer
  TIFR1 = (1 << ICF1);                           //Reset Input Capture flag
  Ticks = ICR1;                                  //Get counter value
  R_DDR = 0;                                     //Set resistor port to HiZ mode
  if ((TCNT1 > Ticks) && (TempByte & (1 << TOV1)))
    TIFR1 = (1 << TOV1);                         //Reset overflow flag
    Ticks2++;                                    //Increase overflow counter
  ADCSRA = (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADIF) | ADC_CLOCK_DIV;
  U_c = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);                     //Get voltage of cap
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Pull down probe-2 via Rh
  R_DDR = Probes.Rh_1;                           //Enable Rh for probe-1 again
  if (Ticks2 >= (CPU_FREQ / 5000)) Flag = 1;
  if (Flag == 3)
    Raw = (unsigned long)Ticks;                  //Set lower 16 bits
    Raw |= (unsigned long)Ticks2 << 16;          //Set upper 16 bits
    if (Raw > 2) Raw -= 2;                       //Subtract processing time overhead
    Scale = -12;                                 //Default factor is for pF scale
    if (Raw > (UINT32_MAX / 1000))               //Prevent overflow (4.3*10^6)
      Raw /= 1000;                               //Scale down by 10^3
      Scale += 3;                                //Add 3 to the exponent (nF)
    Raw *= GetFactor(Config.U_Bandgap + Config.CompOffset, TABLE_SMALL_CAP);
    Raw /= (CPU_FREQ / 10000);
    Value = Raw;                                 //Take raw value
    if (Scale == -12)                            //pF scale
      if (Value >= Config.CapZero)               //If value is larger than offset
        Value -= Config.CapZero;                 //Substract offset
      else                                       //If value is smaller than offset
        Value = 0;                               //Set value to 0
    Cap->A = Probes.Pin_2;                       //Pull-down probe pin
    Cap->B = Probes.Pin_1;                       //Pull-up probe pin
    Cap->Scale = Scale;                          //-12 or -9
    Cap->Raw = Raw;
    Cap->Value = Value;                          //Max. 5.1*10^6pF or 125*10^3nF
    if (((Scale == -12) && (Value >= 100000)) ||
        ((Scale == -9) && (Value <= 20000)))
      signed int              Offset;
      signed long             TempLong;
      while (ReadU(Probes.Pin_1) > 980)
      R_DDR = 0;                                //Stop discharging
      Config.AutoScale = 0;                     //Disable auto scaling
      Ticks = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);              //U_c with Vcc reference
      Config.AutoScale = 1;                     //Enable auto scaling again
      Ticks2 = ReadU(Probes.Pin_1);             //U_c with bandgap reference
      R_DDR = Probes.Rh_1;                      //Resume discharging
      Offset = Ticks - Ticks2;
      if ((Offset < -4) || (Offset > 4))        //Offset too large
        TempLong = Offset;
        TempLong *= Config.U_Bandgap;           // * U_ref
        TempLong /= Ticks2;                     // / U_c
        Config.RefOffset = (signed char)TempLong;
      Offset = U_c - Config.U_Bandgap;
      if ((Offset > -50) && (Offset < 50)) Config.CompOffset = Offset;
  return Flag;
void MeasureCap(byte Probe1, byte Probe2, byte ID)
  byte                        TempByte;          //Temp. value
  Capacitor_Type              *Cap;              //Pointer to cap data structure
  Diode_Type                  *Diode;            //Pointer to diode data structure
  Resistor_Type               *Resistor;         //Pointer to resistor data structure
  Cap = &Caps[ID];
  Cap->A = 0;
  Cap->B = 0;
  Cap->Scale = -12;                              //pF by default
  Cap->Raw = 0;
  Cap->Value = 0;
  if (Check.Found == COMP_ERROR) return;         //Skip check on any error
  if (Check.Found == COMP_RESISTOR)
    Resistor = &Resistors[0];                    //Pointer to first resistor
    TempByte = 0;
    while (TempByte < Check.Resistors)
      if (((Resistor->A == Probe1) && (Resistor->B == Probe2)) ||
          ((Resistor->A == Probe2) && (Resistor->B == Probe1)))
        if (CmpValue(Resistor->Value, Resistor->Scale, 10UL, 0) == -1)
          TempByte = 99;                         //Signal low resistance and end loop
      TempByte++;                                //Next one
      Resistor++;                                //Next one
    if (TempByte != 100) return;                 //Skip this one
  Diode = &Diodes[0];                            //Pointer to first diode
  for (TempByte = 0; TempByte < Check.Diodes; TempByte++)
    if ((Diode->C == Probe2) &&
        (Diode->A == Probe1) &&
        (Diode->V_f < 1500))
    Diode++;                                     //Next one
  UpdateProbes(Probe1, Probe2, 0);               //Update bitmasks and probes
  TempByte = LargeCap(Cap);
  if (TempByte == 2)
    TempByte = SmallCap(Cap);
  if (Check.Diodes == 0)
    if (Check.Found == COMP_RESISTOR)
      if (Cap->Scale >= -6) Check.Found = COMP_CAPACITOR;
    else if ((Cap->Scale > -12) || (Cap->Value >= 5UL))
      Check.Found = COMP_CAPACITOR;              //Report capacitor
  DischargeProbes();                             //Discharge DUT
  SetADCHiz();                                   //Set ADC port to input
  SetADCLow();                                   //Set ADC port low
  R_DDR = 0;                                     //Set resistor port to input
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Set resistor port low
byte MeasureInductance(uint32_t *Time, byte Mode)
  byte                        Flag = 3;          //Return value
  byte                        Test;              //Test flag
  signed char                 Offset;            //Counter offet
  unsigned int                Ticks_L;           //Timer counter
  unsigned int                Ticks_H;           //Timer overflow counter
  unsigned long               Counter;           //Counter
  if (Time == NULL) return 0;
  DischargeProbes();                             //Try to discharge probes
  if (Check.Found == COMP_ERROR) return 0;
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Set resistor port to low
  SetADCLow();                                   //Set ADC port to low
  if (Mode & MODE_LOW_CURRENT)                   //Low current
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2;                         //Pull down probe-2 via Rl
    ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1;                      //Pull down probe-1 directly
  else                                           //High current
    R_DDR = 0;                                   //Disable probe resistors
    ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1 | Probes.ADC_2;
  ADCSRB = (1 << ACME);                          //Use ADC multiplexer as negative input
  ACSR =  (1 << ACBG) | (1 << ACIC);             //Use bandgap as positive input, trigger timer1
  ADMUX = (1 << REFS0) | Probes.Pin_2;  //Switch ADC multiplexer to probe-2 and set AREF to Vcc
  ADCSRA = ADC_CLOCK_DIV;                        //Disable ADC, but keep clock dividers
  waitus(200);                                   //Allow bandgap reference to settle
  Ticks_H = 0;                                   //Reset timer overflow counter
  TCCR1A = 0;                                    //Set default mode
  TCCR1B = 0;                                    //Set more timer modes
  TCNT1 = 0;                                     //Set Counter1 to 0
  TIFR1 = (1 << ICF1) | (1 << OCF1B) | (1 << OCF1A) | (1 << TOV1);
  if (Mode & MODE_DELAYED_START)                 //Delayed start
    Test = (CPU_FREQ / 1000000);                 //Cycles per A‚Âls
    ADC_PORT = Probes.ADC_1;                     //Pull up probe-1 directly
    while (Test > 0)
      asm volatile("nop\n\t"::);
    TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10);                       //Start timer (1/1 clock divider)
  else                                           //Immediate start
    TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10);                       //Start timer (1/1 clock divider)

    ADC_PORT = Probes.ADC_1;                     //Pull up probe-1 directly
  while (1)
    Test = TIFR1;                               //Get timer1 flags
    if (Test & (1 << ICF1)) break;
    if (Test & (1 << TOV1))
      TIFR1 = (1 << TOV1);                      //Reset flag
      wdt_reset();                              //Reset watchdog
      Ticks_H++;                                //Increase overflow counter
      if (Ticks_H == (CPU_FREQ / 250000))
        Flag = 0;                               //Signal timeout
        break;                                  //End loop
  TCCR1B = 0;                                    //Stop timer
  TIFR1 = (1 << ICF1);                           //Reset Input Capture flag
  Ticks_L = ICR1;                                //Get counter value
  R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2 | Probes.Rl_1;
  if ((TCNT1 > Ticks_L) && (Test & (1 << TOV1)))
    TIFR1 = (1 << TOV1);                         //Reset overflow flag
    Ticks_H++;                                   //Increase overflow counter
  ADCSRA = (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADIF) | ADC_CLOCK_DIV;
  Counter = (unsigned long)Ticks_L;              //Lower 16 bits
  Counter |= (unsigned long)Ticks_H << 16;       //Upper 16 bits
  Offset = -4;                                   //Subtract processing overhead
  if (Mode & MODE_DELAYED_START)                 //Delayed start
  else                                           //Immediate start
    Offset -= 1;                                 //Timer started one cycle too early
  if (Offset >= 0)                               //Positive offet
    Counter += Offset;
  else                                           //Negative offset
    Offset *= -1;                                //Make it positive
    if (Counter < Offset) Counter = 0;           //Prevent underflow
    else Counter -= Offset;                      //Subtract offset
  if (Counter > 0)
    Counter += (CPU_FREQ / 2000000);             //Add half of cycles for rounding
    Counter /= (CPU_FREQ / 1000000);             //Divide by frequeny and scale to A‚Âls
  if (Counter <= 1) Flag = 2;                    //Signal inductance too low
  *Time = Counter;                               //Save time
  return Flag;
byte MeasureInductor(Resistor_Type *Resistor)
  byte                        Test = 0;          //Return value / measurement result
  byte                        Mode;              //Measurement mode
  byte                        Scale;             //Scale of value
  unsigned int                R_total;           //Total resistance
  unsigned int                Factor;            //Factor
  unsigned long               Value;             //Value
  unsigned long               Time1;             //Time #1
  unsigned long               Time2;             //Time #2
  Inductor.Scale = 0;
  Inductor.Value = 0;
  if (Resistor == NULL) return Test;
  if (CmpValue(Resistor->Value, Resistor->Scale, 2000, 0) >= 0) return Test;
  UpdateProbes(Resistor->A, Resistor->B, 0);     //Update probes
  Test = MeasureInductance(&Time1, Mode);
  if (Test == 2)                                 //Inductance too low
    if (CmpValue(Resistor->Value, Resistor->Scale, 40, 0) < 0)
      Test = MeasureInductance(&Time1, Mode);
  else if (Test == 3)                            //Valid time
    Test = MeasureInductance(&Time2, Mode);
    if (Time1 > Time2) Time1 = Time2;            //Lower value wins
  if (Test != 3) Test = 0;                       //Measurements faile
  if (Test == 3)
    R_total = RescaleValue(Resistor->Value, Resistor->Scale, -1);
    R_total += Config.RiH + Config.RiL;
    Factor = Config.RiL;
    if (Mode & MODE_LOW_CURRENT)                 //Low current measurement mode
      R_total += (R_LOW * 10);
      Factor += (R_LOW * 10);
    Value = Config.U_Bandgap + Config.CompOffset;
    Value *= R_total;                            // * R_total (in 0.1 Ohms)
    Value /= Factor;                             // / R_shunt (in 0.1 Ohms)
    Value /= 5;                                  // / 5000mV, * 10^3
    Scale = -6;                                  //A‚ÂlH by default
    Value = Time1;                               //t_stop
    Value *= Factor;                             // * factor (A‚Âls * 10^-3)
    while (Value > 100000)                       //Re-scale to prevent overflow
      Value /= 10;
    Value *= R_total;                            // * R_total (in 0.1 Ohms)
    Value /= 10000;
    Inductor.Scale = Scale;
    Inductor.Value = Value;
    Test = 1;                                    //Signal success
  return Test;
void lcd_clear(void)
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
  delay(2);                                    //LCD needs some time for processing
void lcd_line(unsigned char Line)
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
  lcd.setCursor(0, Line);
void lcd_clear_line(unsigned char Line)
  unsigned char               Pos;
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
  lcd_line(Line);                              //Go to beginning of line
  for (Pos = 0; Pos < 20; Pos++)               //For 20 times
    lcd_data(' ');                             //Send space
  lcd_line(Line);                              //Go back to beginning of line
void lcd_testpin(unsigned char Probe)
  lcd_data('1' + Probe);                         //Send data
void lcd_space(void)
  lcd_data(' ');
void lcd_string(char *String)
  while (*String)                                //Loop until trailing 0 is reached
    lcd_data(*String);                           //Send character
    String++;                                    //Next one
void lcd_fixed_string(const unsigned char *String)
  while (pgm_read_byte(String) != 0x00)
    lcd_data(pgm_read_byte(String++));           //Send character
void lcd_data(unsigned char Data)
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
  lcd.write(Data);                             //Send data to LCD
  Serial.write(Data);                          //Send data to Serial
void DisplayValue(unsigned long Value, signed char Exponent, unsigned char Unit)
  unsigned char               Prefix = 0;        //Prefix character
  byte                        Offset = 0;        //Exponent offset to next 10^3 step
  byte                        Index;             //Index ID
  byte                        Length;            //String length
  while (Value >= 10000)
    Value += 5;                                  //For automagic rounding
    Value = Value / 10;                          //Scale down by 10^1
    Exponent++;                                  //Increase exponent by 1
  if (Exponent >= -12)                           //Prevent index underflow
    Exponent += 12;                              //Shift exponent to be >= 0
    Index = Exponent / 3;                        //Number of 10^3 steps
    Offset = Exponent % 3;                       //Offset to lower 10^3 step
    if (Offset > 0)                              //Dot required
      Index++;                                   //Upscale prefix
      Offset = 3 - Offset;                       //Reverse value (1 or 2)
    if (Index <= 6) Prefix = *(&Prefix_table[Index]);
  utoa((unsigned int)Value, OutBuffer, 10);
  Length = strlen(OutBuffer);
  Exponent = Length - Offset;                    //Calculate position
  if (Exponent <= 0)                             //We have to prepend "0."
    if (Exponent < 0) lcd_data('0');             //Extra 0 for factor 100
  if (Offset == 0) Exponent = -1;                //Disable dot if not needed
  Index = 0;
  while (Index < Length)                         //Loop through string
    lcd_data(OutBuffer[Index]);                  //Display char
    if (Index == Exponent) lcd_data('.');        //Display dot
    Index++;                                     //Next one
  if (Prefix) lcd_data(Prefix);
  if (Unit) lcd_data(Unit);
void DisplaySignedValue(signed long Value, signed char Exponent, unsigned char Unit)
  if (Value < 0)                                 //Negative value
    lcd_data('-');                               //Display: "-"
    Value = -Value;                              //Make value positive
  DisplayValue((signed long)Value, Exponent, Unit);
void ShortCircuit(byte Mode)
  byte                        Run = 0;           //Loop control
  byte                        Test;              //Test feedback
  unsigned char               *String = NULL;    //Display string pointer
  Test = AllProbesShorted();                     //Get current status
  if (Mode == 0)                                 //Remove short
    if (Test != 0) String = (unsigned char *)Remove_str;
  else                                           //Create short
    if (Test != 3) String = (unsigned char *)Create_str;
  if (String)
    lcd_fixed_string(String);                    //Display: Remove/Create
    lcd_fixed_string(ShortCircuit_str);          //Display: short circuit!
    Run = 1;                                     //Enter loop
  while (Run == 1)
    Test = AllProbesShorted();                   //Check for short circuits
    if (Mode == 0)                               //Remove short
      if (Test == 0) Run = 0;                    //End loop if all removed
    else                                         //Create short
      if (Test == 3) Run = 0;                    //End loop if all shorted
    if (Run == 1)                                //If not done yet
      delay(50);                                 //Wait a little bit
    else                                         //If done
      delay(200);                                //Time to debounce
byte TestKey(unsigned int Timeout, byte Mode)
  byte                        Flag = 0;          //Return value
  byte                        Run = 1;           //Loop control
  byte                        Counter = 0;       //Time counter
  byte                        ButtonStatus = 0;  //Button Status
  if (Mode > 10)                                 //Consider operation mode
    if (Config.TesterMode == MODE_AUTOHOLD)      //Auto hold mode
      Timeout = 0;                               //Disable timeout
      Mode -= 10;                                //Set cursor mode
    else                                         //Continous mode
      Mode = 0;                                  //Disable cursor
  if (Mode > 0)                                  //Cursor enabled
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
    lcd.setCursor(15, 2);
  while (Run)
    //Take care about timeout
    if (Timeout > 0)                             //Timeout enabled
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
      lcd.setCursor(15, 2);
      if (Timeout > 5) Timeout -= 5;             //Decrease timeout by 5ms
      else Run = 0;                              //End loop on timeout
    if (!(digitalRead(TEST_BUTTON)))             //If key is pressed
      Counter = 0;                               //Reset counter
      delay(30);                                 //Time to debounce
      while (Run)                                //Detect how long key is pressed
        if (!(digitalRead(TEST_BUTTON)))         //Key still pressed
          Counter++;                             //Increase counter
          if (Counter > LONG_PRESS) Run = 0;     //End loop if LONG_PRESS are reached
          else delay(10);                        //Otherweise wait 10ms
        else                                     //Key released
          Run = 0;                               //End loop
      if (Counter > LONG_PRESS) Flag = 2;        //Long (>= LONG_PRESS)
      else Flag = 1;                             //Short (< LONG_PRESS)
    else                                         //No key press
      delay(5);                                  //Wait a little bit more (5ms)
      if (Mode == 2)                             //Blinking cursor
        Counter++;                               //Increase counter
        if (Counter == 100)                      //Every 500ms (2Hz)
          Counter = 0;                           //Reset counter
          if (Run == 1)                          //Turn off
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
            Run = 2;                             //Toggle flag
          else                                   //Turn on
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
            Run = 1;                             //Toggle flag
  if (Mode > 0)                                  //Cursor enabled
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
  return Flag;
void ShowFail(void)
  lcd_fixed_string(Failed1_str);                 //Display: No component
  lcd_line(2);                                   //Move to line #2
  lcd_fixed_string(Failed2_str);                 //Display: found!
  if (Check.Diodes > 0)                          //Diodes found
    lcd_space();                                 //Display space
    lcd_data(Check.Diodes + '0');                //Display number of diodes found
    lcd_fixed_string(Diode_AC_str);              //Display: -|>|-
  RunsMissed++;                                  //Increase counter
  RunsPassed = 0;                                //Reset counter
void ShowError()
  if (Check.Type == TYPE_DISCHARGE)              //Discharge failed
    lcd_fixed_string(DischargeFailed_str);       //Display: Battery?
    DisplayValue(Check.U, -3, 'V');
void ShowDiode_Uf(Diode_Type *Diode)
  if (Diode == NULL) return;
  DisplayValue(Diode->V_f, -3, 'V');
void ShowDiode_C(Diode_Type *Diode)
  if (Diode == NULL) return;
  MeasureCap(Diode->C, Diode->A, 0);
  DisplayValue(Caps[0].Value, Caps[0].Scale, 'F');
void ShowDiode(void)
  Diode_Type                  *D1;               //Pointer to diode #1
  Diode_Type                  *D2 = NULL;        //Pointer to diode #2
  byte                        SkipFlag = 0;      //Flag for anti-parallel diodes
  byte                        A = 5;             //ID of common anode
  byte                        C = 5;             //ID of common cothode
  unsigned int                I_leak;            //Leakage current
  D1 = &Diodes[0];                               //Pointer to first diode
  if (Check.Diodes == 1)                         //Single diode
    C = D1->C;                                   //Make anode first pin
  else if (Check.Diodes == 2)                    //Two diodes
    D2 = D1;
    D2++;                                        //Pointer to second diode
    if (D1->A == D2->A)                          //Common anode
      A = D1->A;                                 //Save common anode
    else if (D1->C == D2->C)                     //Common cathode
      C = D1->C;                                 //Save common cathode
    else if ((D1->A == D2->C) && (D1->C == D2->A))
      A = D1->A;                                 //Anode and cathode
      C = A;                                     //Are the same
      SkipFlag = 1;                              //Signal anti-parallel diodes
  else if (Check.Diodes == 3)                    //Three diodes
    byte                      n;
    byte                      m;
    for (n = 0; n <= 2; n++)                     //Loop for first diode
      D1 = &Diodes[n];                           //Get pointer of first diode
      for (m = 0; m <= 2; m++)                   //Loop for second diode
        D2 = &Diodes[m];                         //Get pointer of second diode
        if (n != m)                              //Don't check same diode :-)
          if (D1->C == D2->A)                    //Got match
            n = 5;                               //End loops
            m = 5;
    if (n < 5) D2 = NULL;                        //No match found
    C = D1->C;                                   //Cathode of first diode
    A = 3;                                       //In series mode
  else                                           //To much diodes
    D1 = NULL;                                   //Don't display any diode
    ShowFail();                                  //And tell user
  if (A < 3) lcd_testpin(D1->C);                 //Common anode
  else lcd_testpin(D1->A);                       //Common cathode
  if (A < 3) lcd_fixed_string(Diode_CA_str);     //Common anode
  else lcd_fixed_string(Diode_AC_str);           //Common cathode
  if (A < 3) lcd_testpin(A);                     //Common anode
  else lcd_testpin(C);                           //Common cathode
  if (D2)                                        //Second diode
    if (A <= 3) lcd_fixed_string(Diode_AC_str);  //Common anode or in series
    else lcd_fixed_string(Diode_CA_str);         //Common cathode
    if (A == C) lcd_testpin(D2->A);              //Anti parallel
    else if (A <= 3) lcd_testpin(D2->C);         //Common anode or in series
    else lcd_testpin(D2->A);                     //Common cathode
  lcd_line(2);                                   //Go to line #2
  lcd_fixed_string(Vf_str);                      //Display: Vf=
  ShowDiode_Uf(D1);                              //First diode
  if (D2 == NULL)                                //Single diode
    if (D1->V_f2 < 250)
      DisplayValue(D1->V_f2, 0, 0);
    UpdateProbes(D1->C, D1->A, 0);               //Reverse diode
    I_leak = GetLeakageCurrent();                //Get current (in A‚ÂlA)
    if (I_leak > 0)                              //Show if not zero
      TestKey(USER_WAIT, 11);                  //Next page
      lcd_clear_line(2);                         //Only change line #2
      lcd_fixed_string(I_R_str);                 //Display: I_R=
      DisplayValue(I_leak, -6, 'A');             //Display current
    ShowDiode_Uf(D2);                            //Second diode (optional)
  if (SkipFlag == 0)
    TestKey(USER_WAIT, 11);                    //Next page
    lcd_clear_line(2);                           //Only change line #2
    lcd_fixed_string(DiodeCap_str);              //Display: C=
    ShowDiode_C(D1);                             //First diode
    ShowDiode_C(D2);                             //Second diode (optional)
void ShowBJT(void)
  Diode_Type                  *Diode;            //Pointer to diode
  unsigned char               *String;           //Display string pointer
  byte                        Counter;           //Counter
  byte                        A_Pin;             //Pin acting as anode
  byte                        C_Pin;             //Pin acting as cathode
  unsigned int                V_BE;              //V_BE
  signed int                  Slope;             //Slope of forward voltage
  if (Check.Type == TYPE_NPN)                    //NPN
    String = (unsigned char *)NPN_str;
  else                                           //PNP
    String = (unsigned char *)PNP_str;
  lcd_fixed_string(String);                      //Display: NPN / PNP
  if (Check.Diodes > 2)                          //Transistor is a set of two diodes :-)
    if (Check.Type == TYPE_NPN)                  //NPN
      String = (unsigned char *)Diode_AC_str;
    else                                         //PNP
      String = (unsigned char *)Diode_CA_str;
    lcd_fixed_string(String);                    //Display: -|>|- / -|<|-
  lcd_fixed_string(EBC_str);                     //Display: EBC=
  lcd_testpin(BJT.E);                            //Display emitter pin
  lcd_testpin(BJT.B);                            //Display base pin
  lcd_testpin(BJT.C);                            //Display collector pin
  lcd_line(2);                                   //Move to line #2
  lcd_fixed_string(hFE_str);                     //Display: h_FE=
  DisplayValue(BJT.hFE, 0, 0);
  Diode = &Diodes[0];                            //Get pointer of first diode
  Counter = 0;
  while (Counter < Check.Diodes)                 //Check all diodes
    if (Check.Type == TYPE_NPN)                  //NPN
      A_Pin = BJT.B;
      C_Pin = BJT.E;
    else                                         //PNP
      A_Pin = BJT.E;
      C_Pin = BJT.B;
    if ((Diode->A == A_Pin) && (Diode->C == C_Pin))
      TestKey(USER_WAIT, 11);                  //Next page
      lcd_clear_line(2);                         //Update line #2
      lcd_fixed_string(V_BE_str);                //Display: V_BE=
      Slope = Diode->V_f - Diode->V_f2;
      Slope /= 3;
      if (BJT.hFE < 100)                         //Low hFE
        V_BE = Diode->V_f;
      else if (BJT.hFE < 250)                    //Mid-range hFE
        V_BE = Diode->V_f - Slope;
      else                                       //High hFE
        V_BE = Diode->V_f2 + Slope;
      DisplayValue(V_BE, -3, 'V');
      if (BJT.I_CE0 > 0)                         //Show if not zero
        TestKey(USER_WAIT, 11);                //Next page
        lcd_clear_line(2);                       //Only change line #2
        lcd_fixed_string(I_CEO_str);             //Display: I_CE0=
        DisplayValue(BJT.I_CE0, -6, 'A');        //Display current
      Counter = Check.Diodes;                    //End loop
      Counter++;                                 //Increase counter
      Diode++;                                   //Next one
void Show_FET_IGBT_Extras(byte Symbol)
  if (Check.Diodes > 0)
    lcd_space();                                 //Display space
    lcd_data(Symbol);                            //Display diode symbol
  TestKey(USER_WAIT, 11);                      //Next page
  lcd_fixed_string(Vth_str);                     //Display: Vth
  DisplayValue(FET.V_th, -3, 'V');               //Display V_th in mV
  //Display gate capacitance
  lcd_fixed_string(GateCap_str);                 //Display: Cgs=
  MeasureCap(FET.G, FET.S, 0);                   //Measure capacitance
  DisplayValue(Caps[0].Value, Caps[0].Scale, 'F');
void ShowFET(void)
  byte                        Data;              //Temp. data
  byte                        Symbol;            //Intrinsic diode
  if (Check.Type & TYPE_N_CHANNEL)               //n-channel
    Data = 'N';
    Symbol = LCD_CHAR_DIODE2;                    // '|<|' cathode pointing to drain
  else                                           //p-channel
    Data = 'P';
    Symbol = LCD_CHAR_DIODE1;                    // '|>|' cathode pointing to source
  if (Check.Type & TYPE_MOSFET)                  //MOSFET
    lcd_fixed_string(MOS_str);                   //Display: MOS
  else                                           //JFET
    lcd_data('J');                               //Display: J
  lcd_fixed_string(FET_str);                     //Display: FET
  lcd_data(Data);                                //Display: N / P
  lcd_fixed_string(Channel_str);                 //Display: -ch
  if (Check.Type & TYPE_MOSFET)                  //MOSFET
    if (Check.Type & TYPE_ENHANCEMENT)           //Enhancement mode
    else                                         //Depletion mode
  lcd_line(2);                                   //Move to line #2
  lcd_fixed_string(GDS_str);                     //Display: GDS=
  lcd_testpin(FET.G);                            //Display gate pin
  if (Check.Type & TYPE_JFET)
    lcd_testpin(FET.D);                          //Display drain pin
    lcd_testpin(FET.S);                          //Display source pin
void ShowIGBT(void)
  byte                        Data;              //Temp. data
  byte                        Symbol;            //Intrinsic diode
  if (Check.Type & TYPE_N_CHANNEL)               //n-channel
    Data = 'N';
    Symbol = LCD_CHAR_DIODE2;                    // '|<|' cathode pointing to drain
  else                                           //p-channel
    Data = 'P';
    Symbol = LCD_CHAR_DIODE1;                    // '|>|' cathode pointing to source
  lcd_fixed_string(IGBT_str);                    //Display: IGBT
  lcd_data(Data);                                //Display: N / P
  lcd_fixed_string(Channel_str);                 //Display: -ch
  if (Check.Type & TYPE_ENHANCEMENT)             //Enhancement mode
  else                                           //Depletion mode
  lcd_line(2);                                   //Move to line #2
  lcd_fixed_string(GCE_str);                     //Display: GCE=
  lcd_testpin(FET.G);                            //Display gate pin
  lcd_testpin(FET.D);                            //Display collector pin
  lcd_testpin(FET.S);                            //Display emitter pin
void ShowSpecial(void)
  if (Check.Found == COMP_THYRISTOR)
    lcd_fixed_string(Thyristor_str);             //Display: thyristor
  else if (Check.Found == COMP_TRIAC)
    lcd_fixed_string(Triac_str);                 //Display: triac
  lcd_line(2);                                   //Move to line #2
  lcd_fixed_string(GAK_str);                     //Display: GAK
  lcd_testpin(BJT.B);                            //Display gate pin
  lcd_testpin(BJT.C);                            //Display anode pin
  lcd_testpin(BJT.E);                            //Display cathode pin
void ShowResistor(void)
  Resistor_Type               *R1;               //Pointer to resistor #1
  Resistor_Type               *R2;               //Pointer to resistor #2
  byte                        Pin;               //ID of common pin
  R1 = &Resistors[0];                            //Pointer to first resistor
  if (Check.Resistors == 1)                      //Single resistor
    R2 = NULL;                                   //Disable second resistor
    Pin = R1->A;                                 //Make B the first pin
  else                                           //Multiple resistors
    R2 = R1;
    R2++;                                        //Pointer to second resistor
    if (Check.Resistors == 3)                    //Three resistors
      Resistor_Type     *Rmax;                   //Pointer to largest resistor
      Rmax = R1;                                 //Starting point
      for (Pin = 1; Pin <= 2; Pin++)
        if (CmpValue(R2->Value, R2->Scale, Rmax->Value, Rmax->Scale) == 1)
          Rmax = R2;                             //Update largest one
        R2++;                                    //Next one
      if (R1 == Rmax) R1++;
      R2 = R1;
      if (R2 == Rmax) R2++;
    if ((R1->A == R2->A) || (R1->A == R2->B)) Pin = R1->A;
    else Pin = R1->B;
  if (R1->A != Pin) lcd_testpin(R1->A);
  else lcd_testpin(R1->B);
  if (R2)                                        //Second resistor
    if (R2->A != Pin) lcd_testpin(R2->A);
    else lcd_testpin(R2->B);
  DisplayValue(R1->Value, R1->Scale, LCD_CHAR_OMEGA);
  if (R2)                                        //Second resistor
    DisplayValue(R2->Value, R2->Scale, LCD_CHAR_OMEGA);
  else                                           //Single resistor
    if (MeasureInductor(R1) == 1)
      DisplayValue(Inductor.Value, Inductor.Scale, 'H');
void ShowCapacitor(void)
  Capacitor_Type              *MaxCap;           //Pointer to largest cap
  Capacitor_Type              *Cap;              //Pointer to cap
  byte                        Counter;           //Loop counter
  MaxCap = &Caps[0];                             //Pointer to first cap
  Cap = MaxCap;
  for (Counter = 1; Counter <= 2; Counter++)
    Cap++;                                       //Next cap
    if (CmpValue(Cap->Value, Cap->Scale, MaxCap->Value, MaxCap->Scale) == 1)
      MaxCap = Cap;
  lcd_testpin(MaxCap->A);                        //Display pin #1
  lcd_fixed_string(Cap_str);                     //Display capacitor symbol
  lcd_testpin(MaxCap->B);                        //Display pin #2
  lcd_line(2);                                   //Move to line #2
  DisplayValue(MaxCap->Value, MaxCap->Scale, 'F');
void LoadAdjust(void)
  if (EEPROM.read(10) == 126)
    Config.RiL = R_MCU_LOW;
    Config.RiH = R_MCU_HIGH;
    Config.RZero = R_ZERO;
    Config.CapZero = C_ZERO;
    Config.RefOffset = UREF_OFFSET;
    Config.CompOffset = COMPARATOR_OFFSET;
byte SelfTest(void)
  byte                        Flag = 0;          //Return value
  byte                        Test = 1;          //Test counter
  byte                        Counter;           //Loop counter
  byte                        DisplayFlag;       //Display flag
  unsigned int                Val0;              //Voltage/value
  signed int                  Val1 = 0, Val2 = 0, Val3 = 0;
  ShortCircuit(1);                               //Make sure all probes are shorted
  while (Test <= 6)
    Counter = 1;
    while (Counter <= 5)
      lcd_data('T');                             //Display: T
      lcd_data('0' + Test);                      //Display test number
      DisplayFlag = 1;                           //Display values by default
      switch (Test)
        case 1:                                  //Reference voltage
          Val0 = ReadU(0x0e);                    //Dummy read for bandgap stabilization
          Val0 = ReadU(0x0e);                    //Read bandgap reference voltage
          lcd_fixed_string(URef_str);            //Display: Vref
          DisplayValue(Val0, -3, 'V');           //Display voltage in mV
          DisplayFlag = 0;                       //Reset flag
        case 2:                                  //Compare Rl resistors (probes still shorted)
          lcd_fixed_string(Rl_str);              //Display: +Rl-
          lcd_fixed_string(ProbeComb_str);       //Display: 12 13 23
          R_PORT = 1 << (TP1 * 2);
          R_DDR = (1 << (TP1 * 2)) | (1 << (TP2 * 2));
          Val1 = ReadU_20ms(TP3);
          Val1 -= ((long)UREF_VCC * (R_MCU_LOW + R_LOW)) / (R_MCU_LOW + R_LOW + R_LOW + R_MCU_HIGH);
          //TP1: Gnd -- Rl -- probe-3 -- probe-1 -- Rl -- Vcc
          R_DDR = (1 << (TP1 * 2)) | (1 << (TP3 * 2));
          Val2 = ReadU_20ms(TP2);
          Val2 -= ((long)UREF_VCC * (R_MCU_LOW + R_LOW)) / (R_MCU_LOW + R_LOW + R_LOW + R_MCU_HIGH);
          R_PORT = 1 << (TP2 * 2);
          R_DDR = (1 << (TP2 * 2)) | (1 << (TP3 * 2));
          Val3 = ReadU_20ms(TP2);
          Val3 -= ((long)UREF_VCC * (R_MCU_LOW + R_LOW)) / (R_MCU_LOW + R_LOW + R_LOW + R_MCU_HIGH);
        case 3:                                  //Compare Rh resistors (probes still shorted)
          lcd_fixed_string(Rh_str);              //Display: +Rh-
          lcd_fixed_string(ProbeComb_str);       //Display: 12 13 23
          R_PORT = 2 << (TP1 * 2);
          R_DDR = (2 << (TP1 * 2)) | (2 << (TP2 * 2));
          Val1 = ReadU_20ms(TP3);
          Val1 -= (UREF_VCC / 2);
          R_DDR = (2 << (TP1 * 2)) | (2 << (TP3 * 2));
          Val2 = ReadU_20ms(TP2);
          Val2 -= (UREF_VCC / 2);
          R_PORT = 2 << (TP2 * 2);
          R_DDR = (2 << (TP2 * 2)) | (2 << (TP3 * 2));
          Val3 = ReadU_20ms(TP1);
          Val3 -= (UREF_VCC / 2);
        case 4:                                  //Un-short probes
          ShortCircuit(0);                       //Make sure probes are not shorted
          Counter = 100;                         //Skip test
          DisplayFlag = 0;                       //Reset flag
        case 5:                                  //Rh resistors pulled down
          lcd_fixed_string(RhLow_str);           //Display: Rh-
          R_PORT = 0;
          R_DDR = 2 << (TP1 * 2);
          Val1 = ReadU_20ms(TP1);
          R_DDR = 2 << (TP2 * 2);
          Val2 = ReadU_20ms(TP2);
          R_DDR = 2 << (TP3 * 2);
          Val3 = ReadU_20ms(TP3);
        case 6:                                  //Rh resistors pulled up
          lcd_fixed_string(RhHigh_str);          //Display: Rh+
          R_DDR = 2 << (TP1 * 2);
          R_PORT = 2 << (TP1 * 2);
          Val1 = ReadU_20ms(TP1);
          R_DDR = 2 << (TP2 * 2);
          R_PORT = 2 << (TP2 * 2);
          Val2 = ReadU_20ms(TP2);
          R_DDR = 2 << (TP3 * 2);
          R_PORT = 2 << (TP3 * 2);
          Val3 = ReadU_20ms(TP3);
      R_DDR = 0;                                 //Input mode
      R_PORT = 0;                                //All pins low
      if (DisplayFlag)
        lcd_line(2);                             //Move to line #2
        DisplaySignedValue(Val1, 0 , 0);         //Display TP1
        DisplaySignedValue(Val2, 0 , 0);         //Display TP2
        DisplaySignedValue(Val3, 0 , 0);         //Display TP3
      if (Counter < 100)                         //When we don't skip this test
        DisplayFlag = TestKey(1000, 0);        //Catch key press or timeout
        DisplayFlag = 0;
        if (DisplayFlag > 0)
          Counter = 100;                         //Skip current test anyway
          if (DisplayFlag == 2) Test = 100;      //Also skip selftest
      Counter++;                                 //Next run
    Test++;                                      //Next one
  Flag = 1;                                      //Signal success
  return Flag;
byte SelfAdjust(void)
  byte                        Flag = 0;          //Return value
  byte                        Test = 1;          //Test counter
  byte                        Counter;           //Loop counter
  byte                        DisplayFlag;       //Display flag
  unsigned int                Val1 = 0, Val2 = 0, Val3 = 0;
  byte                        CapCounter = 0;    //Number of C_Zero measurements
  unsigned int                CapSum = 0;        //Sum of C_Zero values
  byte                        RCounter = 0;      //Number of R_Zero measurements
  unsigned int                RSum = 0;          //Sum of R_Zero values
  byte                        RiL_Counter = 0;   //Number of U_RiL measurements
  unsigned int                U_RiL = 0;         //Sum of U_RiL values
  byte                        RiH_Counter = 0;   //Number of U_RiH measurements
  unsigned int                U_RiH = 0;         //Sum of U_RiL values
  unsigned long               Val0;              //Temp. value
  ShortCircuit(1);                               //Make sure all probes are shorted
  while (Test <= 5)
    Counter = 1;
    while (Counter <= 5)
      lcd_data('A');                             //Display: a
      lcd_data('0' + Test);                      //Display number
      DisplayFlag = 1;                           //Display values by default
      switch (Test)
        case 1:                                  //Resistance of probe leads (probes shorted)
          lcd_fixed_string(ROffset_str);         //Display: R0
          lcd_fixed_string(ProbeComb_str);       //Display: 12 13 23
          UpdateProbes(TP2, TP1, 0);
          Val1 = SmallResistor(0);
          if (Val1 < 100)                        //Within limit
            RSum += Val1;
          UpdateProbes(TP3, TP1, 0);
          Val2 = SmallResistor(0);
          if (Val2 < 100)                        //Whithin limit
            RSum += Val2;
          UpdateProbes(TP3, TP2, 0);
          Val3 = SmallResistor(0);
          if (Val3 < 100)                        //Within limit
            RSum += Val3;
        case 2:                                  //Un-short probes
          ShortCircuit(0);                       //Make sure probes are not shorted
          Counter = 100;                         //Skip test
          DisplayFlag = 0;                       //Reset display flag
        case 3:                                  //Internal resistance of A‚ÂlC in pull-down mode
          lcd_fixed_string(RiLow_str);           //Display: Ri-
          ADC_DDR = 1 << TP1;
          R_PORT = 1 << (TP1 * 2);
          R_DDR = 1 << (TP1 * 2);
          Val1 = ReadU_5ms(TP1);
          U_RiL += Val1;
          ADC_DDR = 1 << TP2;
          R_PORT =  1 << (TP2 * 2);
          R_DDR = 1 << (TP2 * 2);
          Val2 = ReadU_5ms(TP2);
          U_RiL += Val2;
          ADC_DDR = 1 << TP3;
          R_PORT =  1 << (TP3 * 2);
          R_DDR = 1 << (TP3 * 2);
          Val3 = ReadU_5ms(TP3);
          U_RiL += Val3;
          RiL_Counter += 3;
        case 4:                                  //Internal resistance of A‚ÂlC in pull-up mode
          lcd_fixed_string(RiHigh_str);          //Display: Ri+
          R_PORT = 0;
          ADC_PORT = 1 << TP1;
          ADC_DDR = 1 << TP1;
          R_DDR = 1 << (TP1 * 2);
          Val1 = UREF_VCC - ReadU_5ms(TP1);
          U_RiH += Val1;
          ADC_PORT = 1 << TP2;
          ADC_DDR = 1 << TP2;
          R_DDR = 1 << (TP2 * 2);
          Val2 = UREF_VCC - ReadU_5ms(TP2);
          U_RiH += Val2;
          ADC_PORT = 1 << TP3;
          ADC_DDR = 1 << TP3;
          R_DDR = 1 << (TP3 * 2);
          Val3 = UREF_VCC - ReadU_5ms(TP3);
          U_RiH += Val3;
          RiH_Counter += 3;
        case 5:                                  //Capacitance offset (PCB and probe leads)
          lcd_fixed_string(CapOffset_str);       //Display: C0
          lcd_fixed_string(ProbeComb_str);       //Display: 12 13 23
          MeasureCap(TP2, TP1, 0);
          Val1 = (unsigned int)Caps[0].Raw;
          if ((Caps[0].Scale == -12) && (Caps[0].Raw <= 100))
            CapSum += Val1;
          MeasureCap(TP3, TP1, 1);
          Val2 = (unsigned int)Caps[1].Raw;
          if ((Caps[1].Scale == -12) && (Caps[1].Raw <= 100))
            CapSum += Val2;
          MeasureCap(TP3, TP2, 2);
          Val3 = (unsigned int)Caps[2].Raw;
          if ((Caps[2].Scale == -12) && (Caps[2].Raw <= 100))
            CapSum += Val3;
      SetADCHiz();                               //Input mode
      SetADCLow();                               //All pins low
      R_DDR = 0;                                 //Input mode
      R_PORT = 0;                                //All pins low
      if (DisplayFlag)
        lcd_line(2);                             //Move to line #2
        DisplayValue(Val1, 0 , 0);               //Display TP1
        DisplayValue(Val2, 0 , 0);               //Display TP2
        DisplayValue(Val3, 0 , 0);               //Display TP3
      if (Counter < 100)                         //When we don't skip this test
        DisplayFlag = TestKey(1000, 0);        //Catch key press or timeout
        DisplayFlag = 0;
        if (DisplayFlag > 0)
          Counter = 100;                         //Skip current test anyway
          if (DisplayFlag == 2) Test = 100;      //Also skip selftest
      Counter++;                                 //Next run
    Test++;                                      //Next one
  if (CapCounter == 15)
    Config.CapZero = CapSum / CapCounter;
  if (RCounter == 15)
    Config.RZero = RSum / RCounter;
  if ((RiL_Counter == 15) && (RiH_Counter == 15))
    U_RiL /= 5;                                  //Average sum of 3 U_RiL
    U_RiH /= 5;                                  //Average sum of 3 U_RiH
    Val1 = (UREF_VCC * 3) - U_RiL - U_RiH;       //U_Rl * 3
    Val0 = ((unsigned long)R_LOW * 100 * U_RiL) / Val1;
    Val0 += 5;                                   //For automagic rounding
    Val0 /= 10;                                  //Scale down to 0.1 Ohm
    if (Val0 < 250UL)                            // < 25 Ohms
      Config.RiL = (unsigned int)Val0;
    Val0 = ((unsigned long)R_LOW * 100 * U_RiH) / Val1;
    Val0 += 5;                                   //For automagic rounding
    Val0 /= 10;                                  //Scale down to 0.1 Ohm
    if (Val0 < 280UL)                            // < 29 Ohms
      Config.RiH = (unsigned int)Val0;
  if (Flag == 4) Flag = 1;                       //All adjustments done -> success
  else Flag = 0;                                 //Signal error
  return Flag;
void ShowAdjust(void)
  lcd_fixed_string(RiLow_str);                   //Display: Ri-
  DisplayValue(Config.RiL, -1, LCD_CHAR_OMEGA);
  lcd_fixed_string(RiHigh_str);                  //Display: Ri+
  DisplayValue(Config.RiH, -1, LCD_CHAR_OMEGA);
  TestKey(USER_WAIT, 11);                      //Let the user read
  lcd_fixed_string(CapOffset_str);               //Display: C0
  DisplayValue(Config.CapZero, -12, 'F');        //Display C0 offset
  lcd_fixed_string(ROffset_str);                 //Display: R0
  DisplayValue(Config.RZero, -2, LCD_CHAR_OMEGA);//Display R0
  TestKey(USER_WAIT, 11);                      //Let the user read
  lcd_fixed_string(URef_str);                    //Display: Vref
  DisplaySignedValue(Config.RefOffset, -3, 'V');
  lcd_fixed_string(CompOffset_str);              //Display: AComp
  DisplaySignedValue(Config.CompOffset, -3, 'V');
  TestKey(USER_WAIT, 11);                      //Let the user read
void PWM_Tool(unsigned int Frequency)
  byte                        Test = 1;          //Loop control and user feedback
  byte                        Ratio;             //PWM ratio
  byte                        Prescaler;         //Timer prescaler
  unsigned int                Top;               //Top value
  unsigned int                Toggle;            //Counter value to toggle output
  uint32_t                    Value;             //Temporary value
  ShortCircuit(0);                               //Make sure probes are not shorted
  lcd_fixed_string(PWM_str);                     //Display: PWM
  lcd_data(' ');
  DisplayValue(Frequency, 0, 'H');               //Display frequency
  lcd_data('z');                                 //Make it Hz :-)
  R_PORT = 0;                                    //Make probe #1 and #3 ground
  R_DDR = (1 << (TP1 * 2)) | (1 << (TP2 * 2)) | (1 << (TP3 * 2));
  Value = CPU_FREQ / 2;
  Value /= Frequency;
  if (Value > 2000000)                           //Low frequency
    Value /= 256;
    Prescaler = (1 << CS12);                     //256
  else if (Value > 16000)                        //Mid-range frequency
    Value /= 64;
    Prescaler = (1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10);       //64
  else                                           //High frequency
    Prescaler = (1 << CS10);                     //1
  Top = (unsigned int)Value;
  Ratio = 50;                                    //Default ratio is 50%
  Toggle = (Top / 2) - 1;                        //Compare value for 50%
  Config.SleepMode = SLEEP_MODE_IDLE;            //Change sleep mode to Idle
  TCCR1B = 0;                                    //Disable timer
  TCCR1A = (1 << WGM11) | (1 << WGM10) | (1 << COM1B1);
  TCCR1B = (1 << WGM13);
  TCNT1 = 0;                                     //Set counter to 0
  OCR1A = Top - 1;                               //Set top value (-1)
  OCR1B = Toggle;                                //Set value to compare with
  TCCR1B = (1 << WGM13) | Prescaler;
  while (Test > 0)
    DisplayValue(Ratio, 0, '%');                 //Show ratio in %
    delay(500);                                  //Smooth UI
    Test = TestKey(0, 0);                      //Wait for user feedback
    Test = 1;
    if (Test == 1)                               //Short key press
      delay(50);                                 //Debounce button a little bit longer
      Prescaler = TestKey(200, 0);             //Check for second key press
      Prescaler = 0;
      if (Prescaler > 0)                         //Second key press
        Test = 0;                                //End loop
      else                                       //Single key press
        if (Ratio <= 95) Ratio += 5;             // +5% and limit to 100%
    else                                         //Long key press
      if (Ratio >= 5) Ratio -= 5;                // -5% and limit to 0%
    Value = (uint32_t)Top * Ratio;
    Value /= 100;
    Toggle = (unsigned int)Value;
    OCR1B = Toggle;                              //Update compare value
  TCCR1B = 0;                                    //Disable timer
  TCCR1A = 0;                                    //Reset flags (also frees PB2)
  R_DDR = 0;                                     //Set HiZ mode
  Config.SleepMode = SLEEP_MODE_PWR_SAVE;        //Reset sleep mode to default
void SaveEEP(void)
  EEPROMWriteInt(1, Config.RiL);
  EEPROMWriteInt(3, Config.RiH);
  EEPROMWriteInt(5, Config.RZero);
  EEPROM.write(7, Config.CapZero);
  EEPROM.write(8, Config.RefOffset);
  EEPROM.write(9, Config.CompOffset);
  EEPROM.write(10, 126);                         //Saved :-)
void ReadEEP(void)
  Config.RiL = EEPROMReadInt(1);
  Config.RiH = EEPROMReadInt(3);
  Config.RZero = EEPROMReadInt(5);
  Config.CapZero = EEPROM.read(7);
  Config.RefOffset = EEPROM.read(8);
  Config.CompOffset = EEPROM.read(9);
unsigned int EEPROMReadInt(int p_address)
  byte                        lowByte = EEPROM.read(p_address);
  byte                        highByte = EEPROM.read(p_address + 1);
  return ((lowByte << 0) & 0xFF) + ((highByte << 8) & 0xFF00);
void EEPROMWriteInt(int p_address, int p_value)
  byte                        lowByte = ((p_value >> 0) & 0xFF);
  byte                        highByte = ((p_value >> 8) & 0xFF);
  EEPROM.write(p_address, lowByte);
  EEPROM.write(p_address + 1, highByte);
void MainMenu(void)
  unsigned int              Frequency;         //Frequency for PWM Tool
  boolean                   doexit = false;    //Exit Menu Flag
    boolean                 cmdexec = false;   //CMD Exec Flag
    Serial.println(X("** MAIN MENU"));
    Serial.println(X("  1) PWM"));
    Serial.println(X("  2) SelfTest"));
    Serial.println(X("  3) Adjust"));
    Serial.println(X("  4) Save"));
    Serial.println(X("  5) Show"));
    Serial.println(X("  6) Default"));
    Serial.print(X("  0) Exit       >"));
      if (Serial.available() > 0)
        char inChar = Serial.read();
        switch ((byte)inChar - 48)
          case 1:                              //Pwm Menu
            Frequency = selFreq();
            Serial.println(X("  Short  Press +"));
            Serial.println(X("  Long   Press -"));
            Serial.println(X("  Double Press Exit"));
            cmdexec = true;
          case 2:                              //Selftest
            cmdexec = true;
          case 3:                              //Adjust
            cmdexec = true;
          case 4:                              //Save
            cmdexec = true;
          case 5:                              //Show
            cmdexec = true;
          case 6:                               //Default Parameters
            cmdexec = true;
          case 0:                              //Exit
            cmdexec = true;
            doexit = true;
            Serial.println(X("Done. Exit"));
            Serial.print(X("                >"));
            cmdexec = false;
            doexit = false;
    } while (cmdexec == false);
  } while (doexit == false);
unsigned int selFreq(void)
  boolean                 cmdexec = false;   //CMD Exec Flag
  Serial.println(X("Select Frequency:"));
  for (int f; f < 8; f++)
    Serial.print(X("  "));
    Serial.print(f + 1);
    Serial.print(X(") "));
    DisplayValue(PWM_Freq_table[f], 0, 0);
  Serial.print(X("                >"));
    if (Serial.available() > 0)
      char inChar = Serial.read();
      byte selNum = (byte)inChar - 48;
      if (selNum > 0 && selNum < 9)
        cmdexec = true;
        return PWM_Freq_table[selNum - 1];
        Serial.println(X("                >"));
        cmdexec = false;
  } while (cmdexec == false);
  return 100;
void LcdMenu(void)
  byte                        Flag = 1;          //Control flag
  byte                        Selected;          //ID of selected item
  byte                        ID;                //ID of selected item
  unsigned int                Frequency;         //PWM frequency
  void                        *Menu[6];
  //Setup menu
  Menu[0] = (void *)PWM_str;
  Menu[1] = (void *)Selftest_str;
  Menu[2] = (void *)Adjustment_str;
  Menu[3] = (void *)Save_str;
  Menu[4] = (void *)Show_str;
  Menu[5] = (void *)Default_str;
  Selected = MenuTool(6, 1, Menu, NULL);
  switch (Selected)
    case 0:                                      //PWM tool
      ID = MenuTool(8, 2, (void **)PWM_Freq_table, (unsigned char *)Hertz_str);
      Frequency = PWM_Freq_table[ID];
      PWM_Tool(Frequency);                       //And run PWM tool
    case 1:                                      //Self test
      Flag = SelfTest();
    case 2:                                      //Self adjustment
      Flag = SelfAdjust();
    case 3:                                      //Save self adjument values
    case 4:                                      //Show self adjument values
  if (Flag == 1)
    lcd_fixed_string(Done_str);                  //Display: done!
    lcd_fixed_string(Error_str);                 //Display: error!
byte MenuTool(byte Items, byte Type, void *Menu[], unsigned char *Unit)
  byte                        Selected = 0;      //Return value / ID of selected item
  byte                        Run = 1;           //Loop control flag
  byte                        n;                 //Temp value
  void                        *Address;          //Address of menu element
  unsigned int                Value;             //Temp. value
  Items--;                                       //To match array counter
  lcd_data(':');                                 //Whatever:
  while (Run)
    Address = &Menu[Selected];                   //Get address of element
    if (Type == 1)                               //Fixed string
      lcd_fixed_string(*(unsigned char **)Address);
      Value = PWM_Freq_table[Selected];
      DisplayValue(Value, 0, 0);
    if (Unit)                                    //Optional fixed string
    delay(100);                                  //Smooth UI
#ifdef LCD_PRINT
    lcd.setCursor(15, 2);
    if (Selected < Items) n = 126;               //Another item follows
    else n = 127;                                //Last item
    n = TestKey(0, 0);                           //Wait for testkey
    if (n == 1)                                  //Short key press: moves to next item
      Selected++;                                //Move to next item
      if (Selected > Items)
        Selected = 0;                            //Roll over to first one
    else if (n == 2)                             //Long key press: select current item
      Run = 0;
  delay(500);                                    //Smooth UI
  return Selected;
void DefaultPar(void)
  Config.RiL = R_MCU_LOW;
  Config.RiH = R_MCU_HIGH;
  Config.RZero = R_ZERO;
  Config.CapZero = C_ZERO;
  Config.RefOffset = UREF_OFFSET;
  Config.CompOffset = COMPARATOR_OFFSET;

Download .ino file for free!.


If you want, you can use my PCB design file from here.


This is very useful for a small range of components. This tester can test Resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, MOSFETs, UJT, batteries, inductors, logic gates, and so on.

I hope this project was helpful to you. If you make one for yourself, it will be a great pleasure for me. Anywhere you need help, let me know. Please share this project and subscribe to my blog. Thank you.

For Professional Designs or Help:


Check this out: 5 coolest multimeters you can buy


Mithun K. Das. B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) from KUET. Senior Embedded Systems Designer at a leading international company. Welcome to my personal blog! I share articles on various electronics topics, breaking them down into simple and easy-to-understand explanations, especially for beginners. My goal is to make learning electronics accessible and enjoyable for everyone. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out through the Contact Us page. Thank you for visiting, and happy learning!


Asimiyu · 08/04/2021 at 3:10 pm

Wao!!!. You have done a very good job here. May God Almighty continue to reward you and the first person who initiate. It is not an easy task!. The programs code is too Bucky!!!. I can’t wait construct this, I will give feedback about it soon to test it.

Asimiyu · 08/04/2021 at 3:28 pm

Sir, I think the red probe will be connected to pin labelled as “TESTER” and where the black probe would be connected to?. Ground?.

    MKDas · 10/04/2021 at 3:30 am


      Asimiyu · 10/04/2021 at 5:44 am

      Ok, thanks Sir.

CNDA · 11/04/2021 at 6:27 am

Many thanks for this excellent project

djalltra · 14/04/2021 at 1:49 pm

can you please provide the link to the original article on instructables

    MKDas · 15/04/2021 at 8:25 am

    I’ll post if I found again. A long time ago I found the original article.

khaled aly · 13/05/2021 at 11:19 am

I tried this project on the Proteus program, but it is not working well. Please advise me

    MKDas · 13/05/2021 at 11:21 am

    It will not work in proteus. You need to test in real life.

khaled aly · 14/05/2021 at 8:40 am

how adj fuse atmega328 tester

    khaled aly · 14/05/2021 at 9:07 am

    I built the whole project, but it does not work well. It gives value on the screen knowing that I do not put any component how can I adjust this project

      MKDas · 16/05/2021 at 12:42 pm

      The working principle of the project is not so efficient as a multi-meter. It is a simple project and being developed again by again one by one who made or modified this. The way of sensing capacitance used in this project is measuring wrong due to minor capacitances between circuit test terminals. It is advised earlier already. You can add some pull-down resistors of high values to solve this issue.

    MKDas · 16/05/2021 at 12:39 pm

    where is atmega328 tester?

khaled aly · 14/05/2021 at 4:16 pm

Peace be upon you
Please help with this project. I built this project, but it does not work well. If you press the test key, it gives a capacitor value, knowing that there is no component. I also need the fuses to adjust, even if in a video, I would be very thankful to you, Khaled.

khaled aly · 16/05/2021 at 12:09 pm

The answer is difficult for you, nor are there any projects, all of them are problems, and you say that they are complete

    MKDas · 16/05/2021 at 12:44 pm

    Before throwing any words it is a good practice to think yourself inside your mind again and again.

khaled aly · 16/05/2021 at 4:49 pm

First, I do not throw any words to anyone. Second, you said that the project is working well, and I told you that it does not work on the proteus, and you said it does not work on the proteus and the project must be built, but what happens to the proteus happens on the hardware, so what is the solution
thank you for help

    MKDas · 17/05/2021 at 6:18 am

    Proteus uses all the ideal properties of the parts. In practice, all parts have a tolerance. That is why there will be some changes in characteristics in real life. Proteus is good for code simulation. But based on my 10+ years of experience I can say that all circuits should be made in real life if it is not only the coding simulation.

khaled aly · 18/05/2021 at 6:59 pm

thank you for replying
But I actually applied the circuit, but there are some problems in it that I would like to solve
Otherwise, it put a file of its value in Henry, so it gives me another value. Is this normal, is there a control for the fuses, or is there a problem for me. Please ask any solution because I really need this project and thank you again for the response
Khaled Ali

    MKDas · 19/05/2021 at 6:11 am

    I mentioned very top of this project that the original code is written by someone else and it is being developed step by step by many peoples. I added some and corrected some. You may need to correct too. But from my experience, I can say that some minor issues come due to PCB traces and capacitance due to moisture. I tested it, found 80% correct to detect the device. But note that this is not a perfect way to detect or test the device parameters using this project. But it is pretty helpful for small ranges.

chandrasekar · 19/06/2021 at 3:09 pm

Hi i have created the circuit based on ur diagram. Whenever i want to check a capacitor it show “BATTERY? 1: 3699mV”. Pls tell how to setup the and check the components pls. Also pls make a video on that… I eargly waiting for your replies and videos

    MKDas · 20/06/2021 at 5:27 am

    Check for PCB shorts or leakage capacitance. A minor capacitance will generate wrong characteristics. That is why it is sensing wrong component.

khaled bashomil · 07/06/2022 at 2:41 pm

#error Invalid Parameters: Use LCD_PRINT or DEBUG_PRINT

    MKDas · 08/06/2022 at 9:51 am

    maybe you mistook putting the semiclone.

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